How to murder sub-terrainian rodents!

   / How to murder sub-terrainian rodents! #1  


Platinum Member
Dec 5, 2009
Canton, TX
Kubota B2410
Use your tractor! I found an old piece of silicone hose (rubber will melt, don't use it) that *just* fits into the exhaust pipe on our tractor. Insert the other end into the hole the rodent made in your yard or field and let the tractor run for a couple hours.

You could also use a generator, lawnmower or other small engine, but diesel is better because the EGTs are lower.

See the video here: YouTube

Good luck with your exterminations!
   / How to murder sub-terrainian rodents! #2  
Might have to use a gasoline engine to get the carbon monoxide.
   / How to murder sub-terrainian rodents! #3  
Well, since the "offenders" are right in my front yard - I still use the 'ol Victor gopher traps. Traps make no noise. Eight day on the trap line - eleven caught.
   / How to murder sub-terrainian rodents! #4  
Moles tore up the yard this past month. Had a Labrador who loved to dig them out but he died in May. Bought a 4-pack of poison "peanuts" from Amazon and now no more moles!

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   / How to murder sub-terrainian rodents! #5  
Moles tore up the yard this past month. Had a Labrador who loved to dig them out but he died in May. Bought a 4-pack of poison "peanuts" from Amazon and now no more moles!

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Watch the poison peanuts around pets. Our neighbor killed his Cocker Spaniel with them. Dog dug them up and ate them.
   / How to murder sub-terrainian rodents! #6  
Watch the poison peanuts around pets. Our neighbor killed his Cocker Spaniel with them. Dog dug them up and ate them.

That's good advice. We are currently dogless. However something has been digging them up ... Coon(s) I suspect (which would be a bonus).
   / How to murder sub-terrainian rodents! #7  
A friend of mine who owns a lawn service told me the easy way to get rid of them.

Kill their food.

They eat grubs. Treat the lawn with a grub killer and they won't come looking for food that isn't there. Problem solved.
   / How to murder sub-terrainian rodents! #8  
I may try that.

I've tried nearly everything else sort of a Rodex 4000 to deal with pocket gophers in the lawn. The best I've found is Cinch traps. I get them from gophers limited. You have to keep on top of it though, placing and checking them daily until the gophers are gone and then checking pretty often for new ones. The traps need to be placed in active burrows.
   / How to murder sub-terrainian rodents! #9  
Compressed air at about 1000 psi (or more) and 12 grains of lead at 10-30 yrds is my style. ;-)
   / How to murder sub-terrainian rodents! #10  
Compressed air at about 1000 psi (or more) and 12 grains of lead at 10-30 yrds is my style. ;-)

I use a 4-10 with number 7 or 8 shot. Just walk down the tunnels and keep checking for them to push them back open. Sooner or later you will see where they are working on pushing the dirt back up and follow the tunnel to where it isn't punched back up and watch. I see the dirt being pushed back up and at that point where the ground is moving hold the shot gun about two inches above the ground and drop the hammer. If you don't hit him the shock will kill him. I usually take a long old screw driver and dig him up just to make sure. Have elimated hundreds of them this way. I have used gum, mole peanuts, spike traps and never kill one but the 4-10 works.

Moles eat earth worms also and not just grubs. So you would have to kill all the worms also and I don't think that can be done.

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