Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #185,881  
We had bottom freezer replaced it with side by side I was afraid as we get older one of us would fall in head first
I will never walk past our chest freezer again without thinking of you! Hope you are feeling better Buppies .....

32F headed to 51F in Beautiful Northern Nevada.

After the storm passes, we will make a sad trip to CA. A little over a month ago, our beloved Golden Retriever passed. He was only 8 1/2 years old. My wife and I still grieve his loss.

We last saw his brother when both were 7 weeks old. My wife got to decide which puppy to choose. For years we had wanted to reunite the "brothers," but now it is not possible. So instead we are going to visit his full grown brother without being able to bring our own dog.

Here is a visitor my trail cam caught in a rural part of our property ...


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   / Good morning!!!! #185,884  
Dennis, looks like you had a wonderful time in Hawaii.
I'd love to go back but not flying makes that very challenging.
On the flight back, I saw a cruise ship heading that way. It is a long flight.

Buppies, sorry about lack of sleep.
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   / Good morning!!!! #185,885  
Morning all, 30 going to 37 and sunny. 6" of snow yesterday, heavy stuff, why we have tractors!

Happy Valentines day.
Got road and both the neighbors and my driveway, he is on a work trip.
Glad it's done as all the melting from being warm is now ice.

Happy birthday to your dad Scootr. Watched a show, I think Samantha Brown on the Temecula Wineries.

Kilroy - had to get on a train once to go fire someone who worked for me and started a fight. Was an easy choice, can't have that at work. Walked him out myself.

M7040 - sorry you have to deal with that, we have some "extra" runoff from our uphill neighbors that I and my road sharing neighbor are going to have to reroute in the spring. Not as bad as your neighbors negligence though.

Plowhog - sorry about the dog, wish they lived longer...

I lost count on how many pills I take each day.....

Be well,

Some crazy guy who looks just like me.

Screenshot 2024-02-13 172250.png
   / Good morning!!!! #185,886  
31deg and sunny.
I'm coming down with something, started a tickle cough last night, and now in the chest. Negative gator bite test.
Got my taxes done and submitted yesterday. Had to pay a bit to the state, fortunately I made a mid year adjustment to withholdings, so not too bad, and will be ok for next year. Will need to increase fed withholding. Also had my 1 Jan show up on last years total.
Lots going on with everyone, glad we don't have big cats here like plowhog.
Wngsprd, hope you are on the trails soon. Gas prices shot up here also, but found a station last night that hadn't got the message yet, so filled there.
Kilroy, nice scenery on way to work.
Love the old fashion CAD system.
Scott, last time I called Dish it took forever to get someone on the line. Worst scam I've ran across was XM, will never have them again.
Don, happy 53rd Vday.
M7040, how does the water normally get from pond to creek? Looks like you are on the downhill side of things, so I assume there is a culvert under your driveway somewhere and the water isn't reaching it before it hits your drive.
ken, looks crazy, lol.
   / Good morning!!!! #185,887  
if you live on a hill, say half way up, and the water comes down the hill by gravity and mother nature,
runs over your property and then goes onto the next person down the hill,
can that person legitimately cry foul? What if it's been that way for hundreds of years?
I feel for Frits, I really do. His issues seem to be worsened by a neighbor's reluctance to
totally fix the problem. I wonder if the neighbor thinks it's not his problem?... Frits has sure expressed
his concern and even suggestions for corrective solutions.

I bring this up because my sister and her husband live halfway up the coast cliffs in California, a few houses below them, more above.
Bad rains came down, tore out part of neighbor above's property and all kinds of water driven dirt and rocks came down
and did 35k of damage to my sister's home. I'm not sure to this day who had to pay for it, I know letters were exchanged.
But everyone knows it was an extra-ordinary situation.
Do you hold your neighbor liable for extra ordinary or never seen before damaging forces?

A big concept in insurance education was liability. What does the contract say, ever so specifically, and
who rightfully should pay because they caused the damage due to some degree of neglect, whether by
bad driving, not trimming dead trees, or allowing ditches to get clogged on their property and flooding the neighborhood.
I saw that in NC, keeping your ditches clear was a very big deal.

lot of discussions among trainers at Travelers Education Center in Hartford. Probably the largest insurance education center
at the time I was there in 70's. While we would preface what we said by saying we're not lawyers, basically we were teaching
contract law. Having two parents who were lawyers made this pretty easy for me. I knew my torts from my tarts.

I have water coming down the private road next to me that flows through the floor of my garage and has wrecked one corner of
the concrete floor there already. Ultimately could wash out corner of building. the water is coming down a hill. I figure property owner has a responsibility to use swale or ditch or something to make a reasonable attempt to control water.
But you can't control it all the time.

what I'd love to do is get Ken's little Massey backhoe and get it between garage and road and at least ditch/swale that area a little.
not much room there, need a small digger.
project for a much warmer day.

thank goodness Frits has a good backhoe and knows how to use it.
we'll get him a cap that says RoadMaster
   / Good morning!!!! #185,888  
31deg and sunny.
I'm coming down with something, started a tickle cough last night, and now in the chest. Negative gator bite test.
Got my taxes done and submitted yesterday. Had to pay a bit to the state, fortunately I made a mid year adjustment to withholdings, so not too bad, and will be ok for next year. Will need to increase fed withholding. Also had my 1 Jan show up on last years total.
Lots going on with everyone, glad we don't have big cats here like plowhog.
Wngsprd, hope you are on the trails soon. Gas prices shot up here also, but found a station last night that hadn't got the message yet, so filled there.
Kilroy, nice scenery on way to work.
Love the old fashion CAD system.
Scott, last time I called Dish it took forever to get someone on the line. Worst scam I've ran across was XM, will never have them again.
Don, happy 53rd Vday.
M7040, how does the water normally get from pond to creek? Looks like you are on the downhill side of things, so I assume there is a culvert under your driveway somewhere and the water isn't reaching it before it hits your drive.
ken, looks crazy, lol.
You are right there is a concrete pipe going under the driveway that normally carries the pond overflow. Problem is that overflow is very small now that the neighbor has modified the overflow pipe and it causes the pond to overflow over the berm
   / Good morning!!!! #185,889  
Worst scam I've ran across was XM, will never have them again.
Good Morning Dennis ,
First try taking some Zicam for that scratchy throat ! Works for me usually!

The scams out there are unbelievable, I wish these people would find a real job ! 😒
   / Good morning!!!! #185,890  
Here is a picture of the normal overflow while the pond is overflowing the berm. During rainfalls is supposed to carry full flow but the the neighbor having raised the elevation of the overflow pipe in the pond has reduced the flow significantly and is causing the berms to overflow.
