Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #168,042  
This is an odd question, but need some input.....

We usually buy a couple pallets (50 bags) of mulch at Lowes when they put it on sale Memorial Day. The price is 5 bags for $10, 2 cubic ft bags.

Home Depot currently has 1.5 cf bags on sale for the same price. Technically, I would have to buy 16 additional bags to make up the .5 cf shortage over 50 bags.

So, 2 pallets worth (100 bags) would require an additional 32 bags (I would get 30)to make up the cf quantity . It would end up costing an additional $60 or an additional $0.46 per bag over the total number of bags.

My question:
Should I wait and see if Lowes does in fact put the mulch on sale again this year? OR Should I get it at HD at a guaranteed price right now....

I am afraid, in this current market, that Lowes may not have that sale as usual.....
If I miss either of these sales, it will cost over double.....

Your suggestions?

Sophie often reminds me that when I wait, it usually costs me more as prices rarely go down.

Soooo, maybe buy HD now and IF Lowes does have a sale, get some more for next time.
   / Good morning!!!! #168,043  
   / Good morning!!!! #168,044  
Church was good, followed by baptisms x6, in the Lake (chilly water me thinks), then a potluck at the church. Today it rained all afternoon - evening, so my bon-fire was delayed for another day.

I managed to get a bit of seat-time in yesterday though. Moved a large pile of dirt that was blocking a parking area, and then levelled out that area so that the cars can go there. I also grabbed 3 loads of cut branches and moved them to the burn pile area - I will do a gradual feed to keep the fire within the size limit.

I need to go to the bank(s) tomorrow and see if I can qualify for a mortgage. Wife requested a $150k buyout, and though that may still be generous to her (all things considered), it may be manageable. She has apparently found a place to buy, and will be moving. Not much time to respond, so I hope that this (impulsive decision) works for her. I hope that I qualify for the loan / mortgage. This may not be THE answer, but it is something to consider. It means possibly resolving things cheaper (less lawyers involvements with an agreement vs drawn out court matter), and quicker (she moves out, along with tenant), and since it is her plan and request, all of the other incidentals can probably be kept under the rug (more amicable) and more money in her / our hands (less legal costs) ... so it could be a win-win. Lots to figure out and pray about.

have a good night.
   / Good morning!!!! #168,045  
Smell of coffee brewing in the morning. 37° with cloudy skies this morning. Heading to 39° with mix of snow and rain. Got .1" of rain yesterday. Made it to 77° before rain. Neighbor came wearing his waders and took all the rocks I wanted out of garden pond. I still need haul them to another neighbors rock pile. That will give me Seat Time. Going to stay inside today doing house work. Top of the list. Fold and hang 3 baskets of washed cloths.
Duck feathers are sure shinney after a swim in pond.

Everyone stay safe and well.

Good Morning All.
   / Good morning!!!! #168,046  
Looks nice. I just put all shovels, Ax, tamping bars, rakes, sledge hammers, most brooms, etc handles down into a barrel. Not that nice looking but easy to pull out the one I need when needed.
I have found with barrels that it helps to put a crossbar or two (1/2 or quarters) with keeping longer handle tools more upright.
   / Good morning!!!! #168,047  
45 this morning breezy this morning .35 in of rain yesterday

Dr called last night wrong medicine given to treat infection stop taking new one today that’s good making me sick

Prayers for scaredy

Prayers for all our Country
   / Good morning!!!! #168,049  
56 outside this AM. Mid 60's expected today. Storm front moved through last night.

Will play pick up sticks today, and finish the mowing duties. Weed whacked the good part of the day away yesterday. Step counter had me at just over three miles with the whacker. I look to be averaging a tank...a mile. LOL.

Need to finish up window trim in the Milk House this week. Painting....time consuming.

Hope all have a great start to the work week. Be safe. Get or stay healthy.
   / Good morning!!!! #168,050  
Good Morning!

God has given us another chance to get it right (or at least not screw up too badly).

Busy weekend. Harry was a bad boy Saturday,he kept going over the porch gate and harassing the hens. Spent the rest of the evening in The Box.

Yesterday after church we made a run up to the Big City with Mom for brunch, some technology stuff at Best Buy, a shopping spree in Publix (discovered that the International Aisle has a “British” section, so we splurged and got some Bird’s Instant Custard, Ty-Phoo Tea, HP Sauce, Digestive Biscuits, and tinned Rice Pudding. And finally a visit at PetSmart for a real gate for the stairs, a training collar with remote, and some “Keep Away” spray. collar and remote seem to have finished charging. . .
Harry went to bed last night with maybe 10 minutes of theatrics, and slept through until 0530— PROGRESS!!!!!

i assembled two more deep boxes and some frames for the the hives, so I can be ready for expansion. I just need to add foundation. And paint the boxes - they need at least a day (preferably two) in the sun to fully cure the paint before giving them to the bees. I have also been shaving beeswax from a block and leaving it at the hive entrance, and they have been taking it in, which is helping speed up the comb-building process. I haven’t opened the hives since installing Easter Sunday, but I will inspect later today when it warms up.

My bottle of Gorilla Glue has turned from thick liquid to soft paste (not squeezable). Whenever the local ReStore is trying to move butter knives out for 10 cents each, I usually grab a handful. They are handy for making custom tools out of. I used one to dip out and spread glue on the boxes and frames during assembly.

today we have zoom call interview with Doggie Boot Camp. Hopefully we can get him in within the next couple weeks.

I need to find some 1-1/2 to 2” tubing cheap, as I need about 500 to 600 feet. My little experiment with the 5/8” tubing worked, until something clogged it… and critters chewed it…and now that I have some IBC’s to make settling tanks it will make for clearer water through the pipes. I found a salvage place that has 1-1/4“ tubing but it is corrugated, not smooth wall, but 6500’ for $1800 (plus shipping) is a great deal! But with that size I would need to run multiple lines, but with 6500’ I could… Decisions, decisions. . . In a perfect world I would do 3” galvanized steel pipe, but I’d need another mortgage to afford it. I really want to put in a Microsystems system, bedsides having it for irrigation.

I hope everyone has a happy healthy safe Blessed day!
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