Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #180,871  
Drew & Ron, Both my 2016 Pilot and 2019 Ridgeline may qualify for that recall. Notification starts in Jan I believe.
Wonder if my 2013 pilot
Paul, re no two Costcos laid out the same…we only have one on the island and it drives me crazy they rearrange the layout periodically. Not only they racked items, but here they just finished a major refrigerator change.
yep, same here. Always moving stuff around.
   / Good morning!!!! #180,876  
Went to the estate house to meet the inspector and my cousin. First thing I noticed was a note left by my brother telling me he turned off the breaker to the oven because it was making a noise. Second I noticed the thermostat for the AC/heater was blank. Grrr.

The inspector push a few buttons on the oven and it was fixed and I slid the battery holder for the thermostat in and out a few times and it started displaying. Catastrophes averted.

The inspector did a very thorough job, ran each appliance and even lit one water heater I had turned off. opened every cabinet door and turned on all lights and ceiling fans, checked each outlet, unscrewed the septic lid, went up on the roof, went in the attic, etc. . . .Took plenty of pics for things he found. My cousin got her moneys worth. This was not a pass or fail inspection it was just an investigative inspection which my cousin paid for so she could get an idea of everything that needs to be done. She got a big list and knows the estate house comes AS-IS. I just hope the report sent to the loaning bank does not delay/stop the sales progress. He did say the house was in good shape for it's age - 30 years old. Even though it was not necessary I did tell my cousin about the things I knew about so when she gets the report she would not think I was hiding things, I felt like I was walking a tight rope today.
   / Good morning!!!! #180,879  
So Tuesday morning started off slowly. I seem to be completely over the little bout of a food poisoning.

I had dropped and limbed/ cut up two tall skinny sweet gum trees other day but ground too wet to get the JD110 in there and bring them out.

So I went to the bank to visit and drink coffee.

After that I took some items to my brother and picked up my Farm Boss and TS240 cut off saw. Wanted to fire them up and clean them for a couple quick projects. Had to change the primer bulb on the cut off saw. That was like performing dental surgery. Glad my Stihl dealer had the part and I could get there before they closed.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! We are all blessed beyond measure. Prayers for our Country, Israel, all Americans in the world and any one suffering.
   / Good morning!!!! #180,880  
Memory,oh my memory, where did you go.

No evidence that I ever had the Honda generator hooked up for autostart via the current system. I did get the settings programed into the controller and I can operate the generator manually. A bit of investigation and work to get to autostart.

No progress on the BX.

Really nice visit with our friend. Hadn’t seen her daughter since before the pandemic.