Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #180,881  
Memory,oh my memory, where did you go.

No evidence that I ever had the Honda generator hooked up for autostart via the current system. I did get the settings programed into the controller and I can operate the generator manually. A bit of investigation and work to get to autostart.

No progress on the BX.

Really nice visit with our friend. Hadn’t seen her daughter since before the pandemic.
Hi, Good Morning !

We have - 10° C = 14 F this morning. We have special word for cold without snow. Directly translating it will be "bare-frost". As it is rather devastating phenomena I guess it should be something in English too, but I never herd such thing. Please enlighten me

Sky clear, but snowstorm in forecast.
Should fill up snowblower. Yanmar still at "rancho" 😬


I am just wondering - why are you installing so complex back-up system ? Is power surge so common thing for you ?

Once projecting new office we got statistics from grid operator. For period of last 7 years grid was down UNEXPECTED once. For 3 hours. And average 2 X year they are down for maintenance. 1 - 2 hours. Always send sms & email 2 weeks prior
So we dropped idea to have sophisticated back-up. Just regulated by code - lightning, earthing. + standard office back-up for PC


Today have meeting with electrician, to make plans how to finalize
Fingers crossed
   / Good morning!!!! #180,882  
Good evening all. 73ºF for the start, overcast with periods of rain, breezy. Moderate wind, overcast with periods of rain, and high temp was 76ºF. putter to start day, gang went to turtle beach on north end of island. Got some swimming and video of waves. We finally score Arizona tickets so tomorrow is Pearl Harbor day. Having fun with family and SIL family.
   / Good morning!!!! #180,883  

We are completely off grid. Produce all our electricity via solar with generator backup. No power surges.


This is fed by 18.4 kw of PV and I now have 15 LiFePo 3.8 kw batteries. I need to update my pics. Somedays, due to high use, low production, especially rainy season, we may have a deficit. It is really nice when the system just turns on the generator automatically rather than I get up during the night.

Right now we have an equipment malfunction that I’m working around until the replacement board comes. Due to this malfunction, the system shuts down due to low voltage instead of starting the generator.

Off grid we are not tied to anything commercial except Cellphone service and Starlink internet. We have our on water collection, filtering, and distribution system.
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   / Good morning!!!! #180,884  
Coffee is done brewing. 36° with fog this morning. Heading to 42° with cloudy skies. Spent most of yesterday staying out of the rain. Did some clean up in shop. It aways seem to need cleaning. Grocery shopping this morning. Need to find a pumpkin pie for tomorrow. Seems to be a shortage around here this year.
Now that all the leaves have fallen. I will start taking net off garden pond.

Everyone stay safe and well.

Good Morning All.
   / Good morning!!!! #180,885  
good morning all
68 in Charleston SC
sure had my dates off...thought today was Thanksgiving.
good, it's not.
that means the little store near where I'm stopping later today might have a pumpkin pie. The only thing I forgot for tomorrow.

I expect a pretty miserable drive today, lot of rain, wind, just going to take it slow.
   / Good morning!!!! #180,887  
53, rain has stopped. Maybe 2 inches according to weatherman...will check gauge at dawn. Only going up to 58.

Looks like the rain really helped contain the wildfires...the worst one is in the county next to BEF's land but closer to Natural Bridge...grew to over 11,000 acres, but has been entirely in the Jefferson National Forest's James River Face Wilderness area.

Wife came home for a few hours yesterday from taking care of her mom. I had built a nice warm fire in the woodstove to take the rain chill off...then I fixed her some quiche and salad for lunch, and a few fresh strawberries. We're both losing weight. She hasn't been able to sleep in our bed for nearly 3 weeks...scheduled to move her mom back to her apartment today but will have to stay with her at least one more night.
   / Good morning!!!! #180,889  
46 outside this AM, heading to 57. Nice and foggy this AM.

Yesterday ended up stacking the oak I had collected thus far. Since I had been dumping it in the wood shed, but with the remaining tree left, I was starting to run out of space. Today I may end up back down in the woods if the ground is not to wet.

Hope all are prepared for the holiday and where they want or need to be. Or close to that.

Be safe, have a great day all.
   / Good morning!!!! #180,890  
46 this morning 2.39 in of rain yesterday really nice

Enjoyed scientific explanation about bird flocking

Fig is one of the best m7040 hard to get into it is who you know

Prayers for all our Country