Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #163,861  
Interesting ... the two original images I uploaded (from the desktop) and attached to the previous post are now showing on the tbn app on the phone. Initially they did not.

But still not on the desktop.

I clicked on the thumbnails and they both opened up on my desktop.
   / Good morning!!!! #163,862  
Good evening all. 37ºF for the start, overcast with fog, light breeze. Light to moderate wind, overcast most of the day, and high temp was 39ºF. We did have a front come through about 5 AM so much cooler than yesterday. Forecast is for below normal temps all week and rain Tueday through Thursday. Chapel to start the day, the mad breakfast and cleaned ashed and started new fire in insert. Did manage to fill up wheelbarrow with firewood. Did get nap in, rest of day was energy conservation.
Scaredy sounds like you had a good day yesterday, hope the Tracker project works out.
James hope you enjoy the seat time.
Ron glad you missed out on snow yesterday. Glad you got the ladder, Hope you caught end of race. nice pic
Drew sorry about noise issue. Sounds like nice setup in FL.
Bill enjoy the energy conservation and seat time.
Kilroy hope you can make the transition ok.
Billy hope you don't get too soggy.
Billy pretty pics hope boots were working good.
Mike glad you made progress on siding. Hope you got vinyl started.
Kilroy sounds like good trip to new town. Sorry about the sides coming out slow. Understand 10 more pounds at same price.
RS looks like agenda less aggressive today than it has been.
Thomas sorry about gas prices I am feeling the pain as well. Hope you enjoyed the football, quite the ending to AFC game.
Dave you were much warmer than North Texas today.
Paul glad you are getting some days with light work loads.
Lou thanks for ladder info
Buppies sounds like you 2 covered some ground yesterday. Boat plant tour sounds like fun. prayers sent.
Jim glad you got a energy conservation day.
PJ glad no a lot on plate, hope you could take care of battery.
RNG Glad you are getting more rain. Hope you can get touring bike done. Sounds like you are eating well.
Kyle sorry about the arthritis in knees. Hope you get relief on ticket
Ted hope you found your motivation.
PJ sorry you lost your also.
David glad resilience fair interesting. Hope progress continues on laundry remodel.
Ken hope son getting past drama.
Ted glad you found some motivation. Congrat on another grandchild. Hopx Max let you clean his paws.
Don hope you can advance next week.
Drew hope you don't get in trouble for drooling :) nice pics
PJ I think there is some drama no matter where you end up. Music industry may have more than most.
Drew interesting pic.
Frits neat story.
Randy(wag) glad you got good night's sleep.
Mike nice progress. Sorry about fingers.
Ted nice recovery for motivation.
RS good to you were able to grind seat when you couldn't replace it. Goot to hear progress, hope you can get tile up soon.
prayer for all, especially Jay/Peg, Kyle /Daughter, /mom's breathing, /learning new job, /friends upcoming new baby, /son's migraines, Bird /aging issues, Ron /broken arm and heart, Billy /mom hypertension & congestive heart failure, David(moss) /remodel, /divorce, Buppies /new skin cancer spot and treatment, /elbow healing, /wife knee healing, Thomas /gout, Phil /reflux, /wife's voice, Frits /veteran son with mental issues, /granddaughter with Evans Syndrome, Ken /dad possible dementia, /uncle's surgery, Steppenwolfe /son-auto immune disorder, Grev /wife's eye, Ted /knee recovery, /retirement & disability red tape, /family issues, /wife feeling bad, Lou /eye issues, Doug and wife/health issues, / hand nerve and surgery, /fall and recovery, / wife headaches and heart eval, / David(sadamo)/Sophie's new eye surgery recovery, Chris /neighbor's granddaughter and Covid issues, Scaredy/shoulder dislocation, /marriage not doing well, / friend stop drinking, Paul/ wife's healing from back surgery, Dennis /retirement, /neighbor issues, /land development, / brother "alligallyitus" and back in hospital, Drew /foot heel issues, /friend's wife cancer diagnosis and recovery, mike /wife's surgery, Scotty, /back pain, Frits /daughter recovery from surgery, Helogabals /second opinion, /wife's friend situation, Mark /wife colon surgery, Fatjay /father broken hip, Ukraine war, and Country.
   / Good morning!!!! #163,865  
Coffee is done brewing. 23° with periods of light snow. Heading to 25° with cloudy skies. Got out yesterday and did snow cleanup of parking areas with tractor. Watched end of Rolex 24 hour at Daytona. Very confusing with 5 different classes on track at same time. Spent some relaxing time watching some movies on TV. No plans for today. Something will show up.
Still trying to get at feeders.

LS, congrats on GD news.

Everyone stay safe and well.

Good Morning All.
   / Good morning!!!! #163,867  
45 going to 60 before a seasonably cold wet week, and maybe a few flakes.

Great news on your soon new grandchild, LS.

Rip, nice job on the milk house. Wood stove in there sounds good. You have plenty of firewood.

Split all of my firewood under the shelter while it rained. Then once I had finished, it stopped. Still have some rounds on the ground back in the woods, but I think I'll wait for the next freeze before heading back there.
   / Good morning!!!! #163,868  
Squirrels are persistent to say the least

41 high in 50s today colder and wet rest of week with rain chances three days. Next week looks no better

Prayers for all our Country
   / Good morning!!!! #163,869  
39 outside this AM, heading to upper 50's. No rain expected.

Need to drain the pool today. Too much water over the closed season. Wow, Mother Nature sure has send a lot our way these past few months. How do I tell? The skimmer covers have popped up because the anti-freeze bottles have floated up.

Not much on the agenda today.

More Milk House. And I am not putting a wood stove in there, I am thinking about taking the chimney out. If I can figure out how it was originally supported and built. I'll take a few pictures when the sun comes up.

Hope all have a great day. Be safe.
   / Good morning!!!! #163,870  
76 degrees in delray beach, a/c on, pretty muggy outdoors
other than taking my friend to PT this morning for his leg, which is still keeping him from driving, perhaps a few other errands.

funny, Riptides says too much water, too much water up in PA too and more this week.
But down here, it's been dry, and the sprinklers are running. Exotic red flowers sure are pretty.

gasoline at marina 5.79; diesel was 5.99, fill-ups will be eye opening.
hope you all have a great day