Front end blade for a tractor?

   / Front end blade for a tractor? #11  
I often will turn a scrape blade around and back the tractor to push debris (limbs, rocks to heavy to lift but not boulders and dirt) out of a pasture. To do this I have to be in reverse.
Be careful no trip springs.
   / Front end blade for a tractor? #12  
I had an ARPS dozer blade on my Ford 850. It worked pretty decent with hydraulic lift, but I had to change blade angle manually. Even on the 2wd tractor it was very productive. Having a FEL plow on a 4wd tractor now is much better especially for deep snow.
   / Front end blade for a tractor? #13  
I've often thought that a quick-attach blade would be nice to have to replace the bucket. It would need to have angle and pitch adjustments, but I think that using the float setting on the FEL would make it ideal for plowing snow. Like this:
   / Front end blade for a tractor? #14  
On a number of other threads on TBN, it cautions against using a tractor as a dozer. You can bend the FEL arms doing this (my neighbor did, his Kubota is a big one, 5000 series I think), and if you run in reverse with a blade connected to the 3 point hitch, you may bend the lift arms.

Pushing snow around is likely OK, big rocks, piles of dirt or gravel, probably not.

No personal experience, just what I've read here on TBN, which is usually very good advice.

Best Regards,

   / Front end blade for a tractor? #15  
On a website dedicated to older tractors I saw a Ford Tractor with a bade attached to the front of the tractor. The blade was not a FEL it was more like a dozer blade. Does anyone have experience with this type of attachment? If so where can it be bought?
I grew up in Iowa and my dad had one on his JD. It was used for snow plowing, thus one may be more likely to seen in snow country.

If I were to want to make one, I would start with a standard snow plow. The JD had heavy steel angle irons (if you have it, drill pipe would be good) that ran from the blade to connection points at the back axle. For the JD, raising the 3 point pulled a rod that went to the tractor's front frame under the radiator. That pull under the radiator was converted into a lift of the angle irons. Today a hydraulic lift cylinder may be more practical.
   / Front end blade for a tractor? #16  
On a website dedicated to older tractors I saw a Ford Tractor with a bade attached to the front of the tractor. The blade was not a FEL it was more like a dozer blade. Does anyone have experience with this type of attachment? If so where can it be bought?

I often will turn a scrape blade around and back the tractor to push debris (limbs, rocks to heavy to lift but not boulders and dirt) out of a pasture. To do this I have to be in reverse. It seems that a blade on the front of the tractor would do a good job with this work and it seems like it would not be as obstructive to being able to maneuver in tight spots.
Neighbor had one on his Ford 600, cable lift via pulley to the 3 pt hitch in the back to lift. It worked pretty good down his steep hill, but not so hot going up. And he got stuck a lot! Lifting the blade took a lot of weight off the rear wheels and he could not back out of any kind of grade. Probably would have been somewhat better if he had hydraulics to the front, but I think the underlying issue is the same - raising that much weight out in front of a rear wheel drive tractor = traction loss.
   / Front end blade for a tractor? #17  
On a website dedicated to older tractors I saw a Ford Tractor with a bade attached to the front of the tractor. The blade was not a FEL it was more like a dozer blade. Does anyone have experience with this type of attachment? If so where can it be bought?

I often will turn a scrape blade around and back the tractor to push debris (limbs, rocks to heavy to lift but not boulders and dirt) out of a pasture. To do this I have to be in reverse. It seems that a blade on the front of the tractor would do a good job with this work and it seems like it would not be as obstructive to being able to maneuver in tight spots.
Saw one on cl here for 150. You can also look at scrap yards because they usually set blades to the side. Not junk yards but scrap yards, where you sell junk by the pound. Ours has a few blades laying around.
   / Front end blade for a tractor? #18  
On a website dedicated to older tractors I saw a Ford Tractor with a bade attached to the front of the tractor. The blade was not a FEL it was more like a dozer blade. Does anyone have experience with this type of attachment? If so where can it be bought?

I often will turn a scrape blade around and back the tractor to push debris (limbs, rocks to heavy to lift but not boulders and dirt) out of a pasture. To do this I have to be in reverse. It seems that a blade on the front of the tractor would do a good job with this work and it seems like it would not be as obstructive to being able to maneuver in tight spots.
   / Front end blade for a tractor? #19  
On a website dedicated to older tractors I saw a Ford Tractor with a bade attached to the front of the tractor. The blade was not a FEL it was more like a dozer blade. Does anyone have experience with this type of attachment? If so where can it be bought?

I often will turn a scrape blade around and back the tractor to push debris (limbs, rocks to heavy to lift but not boulders and dirt) out of a pasture. To do this I have to be in reverse. It seems that a blade on the front of the tractor would do a good job with this work and it seems like it would not be as obstructive to being able to maneuver in tight spots.
I've had a dozer blade on my 61 Ford 641 for years but added a FEL so have the blade and frame on ntractorclub and Ebay. Blade is designed for Ford hundred through early thousand series but will fit many other models with some modifications.
   / Front end blade for a tractor? #20  
I had a blade on my TO 30 Ferguson.. then another on my JD 420 Utility, and now a blade for my JD 4300. Pretty easy to fabricate and weld something up using existing blades.. it will push dirt, rocks, gravel, etc. too.


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