Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation

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   / Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation #181  
I should have worded it as net metering residential systems are not allowed to have batteries by most utiities. If not grid tied for net metering they likely wouldn't know.
Not the case in California.
   / Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation #182  
What information do you have to support your statement? Many states have transitioned their power grid away from coal and yet things are still working.
Which state or city run's 100% on solar and/or wind energy?

The problem with solar energy is it only works with unobstructed sunlight. They don't produce much electricity on cloudy days or overcast. The government is moving forward with geoengineering solar radiation management (SRM) which purposely creates solar dimming resulting in less sunlight on earth to combat global warming. This does impact the ability for solar panels to produce electricity.

Wind turbines only work when there is enough wind to rotate the blades fast enough to produce electricity.

For a state or city to run 100% renewable energy they would need massive solar panel fields, much more than what currently exists and/or massive wind turbine fields. They would also need massive energy storage facilities that could supply the grid load when solar and wind is not producing energy. The massive energy storage facilities large enough to sustain the grid load of a mid to large city currently don't exist.
   / Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation #183  
When I think about solar and wind, I say I’m 51% in favor of it. That means I have a lot of doubt. I’ve tried to find data but never have but what is the energy gain for these installations? By the time you produce, ship, install and maintain these solar and wind farms you obviously expend a lot of fossil fuels. How long before this green energy is actually green?
   / Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation #184  
When I think about solar and wind, I say I’m 51% in favor of it. That means I have a lot of doubt. I’ve tried to find data but never have but what is the energy gain for these installations? By the time you produce, ship, install and maintain these solar and wind farms you obviously expend a lot of fossil fuels. How long before this green energy is actually green?
The renewable energy industry does not talk about the down side of their products. I thought the article below was pretty informative.

Renewable Energy Paradox: Solar Panels and Their Toxic Waste

   / Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation #185  
Imagine all you want....

IF you want your view to remain the same....BUY THE LAND.

This is the fundamental mentality difference between the two sides to this issue....

Some people buy land and expect that the view beyond their boundaries will never change. Others accept the fact that they have no control on what happens beyond their own land.

Would a superimposed Walmart or amazon distribution center make the view any better? Or what about a chicken farm?
Ok...I'll buy 100,000 acres including those mountains. Every realtor here when advertising house/land for sale the ad says "mountain views" not "solar farm" views.
We won against tall cell towers and as one supervisor so aptly stated "we only have one landscape" which is why we have permits and ordinances.
To me there's a direct correlation between real estate taxes and values and location.
Years ago a fellow a mile away started collecting junk cars parked outside. It all starts with one, soon there were 20. The county made him install a fence.
Same with these solar panels. If hidden enclosed in a berm with trees around that's not so bad. It's ludicrous to suggest to protect the land and views simply purchase it.
   / Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation #186  
When I think about solar and wind, I say I’m 51% in favor of it. That means I have a lot of doubt. I’ve tried to find data but never have but what is the energy gain for these installations? By the time you produce, ship, install and maintain these solar and wind farms you obviously expend a lot of fossil fuels.

The same is true of coal, oil and gas. They all take energy to mine, process and transport. All of those steps are prone to accidents which can create a lot of pollution. Some of them leave a lot of ruined land.

Somehow that gets forgotten.
   / Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation #187  
   / Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation #188  
Which state or city run's 100% on solar and/or wind energy?

The problem with solar energy is it only works with unobstructed sunlight. They don't produce much electricity on cloudy days or overcast. The government is moving forward with geoengineering solar radiation management (SRM) which purposely creates solar dimming resulting in less sunlight on earth to combat global warming. This does impact the ability for solar panels to produce electricity.

Wind turbines only work when there is enough wind to rotate the blades fast enough to produce electricity.

For a state or city to run 100% renewable energy they would need massive solar panel fields, much more than what currently exists and/or massive wind turbine fields. They would also need massive energy storage facilities that could supply the grid load when solar and wind is not producing energy. The massive energy storage facilities large enough to sustain the grid load of a mid to large city currently don't exist.
The same is true of coal, oil and gas. They all take energy to mine, process and transport. All of those steps are prone to accidents which can create a lot of pollution. Some of them leave a lot of ruined land.

Somehow that gets forgotten.

Mr. Peabody’s coal train done hauled it away!​



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   / Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation #189  
And fossils fuel power plants produce “Toxic Waste” 24/7/365. Gee, they never seem to mention that.
True but no one has been trying to push fossil fuel power plants or nuclear as green energy and they both do produce enough energy to supply our nations power grid, transportation infrastructure and heat our homes.
   / Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation #190  
True but no one has been trying to push fossil fuel power plants or nuclear as green energy and they both do produce enough energy to supply our nations power grid, transportation infrastructure and heat our homes.
Well, now this is not a true statement at all. There are multiple coal and nuclear lobbyists, all pushing for coal powered and nuclear powered plants. Why is it surprising that we also have green energy lobbyist?

Just a couple.

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