engineless tractor

   / engineless tractor #11  
Sad to say, the only way we are going to see meaningful alternatives to carbon based fuel, is through necessity. Once we run out, or the flow is cut off, then you will see the miracles of modern science.
   / engineless tractor #12  
I live very close to Niagara Falls and the power produced from the falls could be used to produce hydrogen for about 20 hours per day. Turbines operate best at full capacity and the at present the max output is only need about 4 hours per day.
   / engineless tractor #13  
no engine, but has a motor huh.. :)
   / engineless tractor #14  
Anybody seen the " Bloom Box" ? A fuel cell that uses about 1/2 the normal fuel. Apparently not just hydrogen.

Or the artificial leaf? Cheap to make and great at breaking water in to HHO and O2.

But i agree these things wont take off till there is no choice.

   / engineless tractor #15  
Hi all

Google for New Holland NH2. It's a H2 fuel cell tractor.
It's already been demoed at the international Ag shows last year and will be starting work on a real farm in Italy this year. Their idea is to generate the H2 on the farm from either photovoltaics and water or catalytic conversion of waste methane. Pig farms produce huge amounts of methane. This is an excellent technology and certain types of farms would be well suited to local production of the H2 required. Have a read of their white papers on their entire concept.

   / engineless tractor #17  

The article "The Hydrogen Hoax" has some valid points within the context of expecting 10's of millions cars to run on H2 where you have to produce the H2 and move it to where the cars are. The NH NH2 does not have a this problem as much as it's intended to use locally produced H2 or to use methane that would otherwise not be sequestrated. It's not trying to do a retail distribution of H2. Also it's still far better to change those x moles of CH4 to x moles of CO2 as far as the greenhouse effects are (CH4 being ~ 70x worse than CO2 as a greenhouse gas).
And solar cells can produce more energy from H2 vs their manufacturing cost over their lifetime.

Generally I think The Hydrogen Hoax article contains a lot of opinion interspersed with some factual equations - I would disagree with several points that he raises.

   / engineless tractor #18  
Where does the energy come from to make the electricity to produce the hydrogen?

On my submarine back in the 1980's we used the Nuclear Powerplant to make the electricity split the hydrogen and oxygen apart.

We lovingly called it "the Bomb" because an equipment fire or malfunction would kill us all. We pumped the Hydrogen overboard and used the Oxygen to breathe (we liked breathing).

Hydrogen as fuel. Hmmm... Is that the Hindenburg model?

I want my "Mr. Fusion" to power my tractor... :thumbsup:

Or the one that runs on Unicorn farts... :laughing:

Be well,
   / engineless tractor #19  
Fuel cells are a nice idea but are not really an option for any sort of mass scale use. For a farmer who has animals and has a large waste pit they could capture the Methane. But since methane can be used as a fuel without splitting it into CO2 and H2 what would the advantage be? You need less electricity than if you wanted to split water but you still need electricity.
   / engineless tractor #20  
Fuel cells are a nice idea but are not really an option for any sort of mass scale use. For a farmer who has animals and has a large waste pit they could capture the Methane. But since methane can be used as a fuel without splitting it into CO2 and H2 what would the advantage be? You need less electricity than if you wanted to split water but you still need electricity.

That is why the future survival of the universe is dependant upon the discovery of unobtanium, I mean Unicorn farts... :laughing:
