Electrical Issue

   / Electrical Issue #11  
By moving the wires your tractor started try just moving one wire
at a time and then try to start this way you just might find the wire
that's causing the problem could be a dirty connection

   / Electrical Issue #12  
No, if it's blowing a fuse, it's not a bad connection, dirty connection or loose connection. Those issues don't blow fushes.
It is a short circuit to ground or an overloaded (not likely) circuit.
Try replacing the fuse with a 12 volt headlamp. If the headlamp glows brightly, the circuit has a dead short (circuit to ground)or a pretty heavy load.
If, when you unhook components or wiggle various wires, the headlight goes dim or put completely, you are zeroing in on the fault.
   / Electrical Issue #13  
No, if it's blowing a fuse, it's not a bad connection, dirty connection or loose connection. Those issues don't blow fushes.
It is a short circuit to ground or an overloaded (not likely) circuit.
Try replacing the fuse with a 12 volt headlamp. If the headlamp glows brightly, the circuit has a dead short (circuit to ground)or a pretty heavy load.
If, when you unhook components or wiggle various wires, the headlight goes dim or put completely, you are zeroing in on the fault.

That is a great suggestion and a great way to trouble shoot.
   / Electrical Issue #14  
I would think that a short is a bad connection and by moving
the wires one at a time just might find the wire that has a short
because the wire could have a bare spot and moving it could
make contact

   / Electrical Issue
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Hi Richard, I do have the diagram. I followed the circuit but found no apparent damage. I had moved the wires around searching and when I tried a new fuse (using a 15 amp instead of a 10) it ran.?
Do you have a wiring diagram ? That will go a long way to help you find the issue.

Could mice have chewed thru the insulation on some wires ?

   / Electrical Issue
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I would think that a short is a bad connection and by moving
the wires one at a time just might find the wire that has a short
because the wire could have a bare spot and moving it could
make contact

   / Electrical Issue
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I'm almost positive there is a bad wire or a ground issue. While looking for it and moving the wires and harness around I got it to start again with a new fuse. I had to put in a 15 v instead of a 10a, until I get to NAPA. Makes me wonder about a voltage spike from the alternator too.
   / Electrical Issue
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Ok now if it stalls during use it has nothing to do with the starting circuit. That fuse goes to something that’s energized while it running. And it could be many things So the isolation process begins!
Yes. I'm afraid I have some hours with a bright light and a multi meter in my very near future.
   / Electrical Issue
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Joe that is awsome. He will enjoy that
Joe, thanks so much! I managed to find a free PDF online. I will look at the selenoid. It was replaced this summer. Every time I blow a fuse it is during heavy vibration, ie; moving, plowing snow, or hitting a bump too quickly. That's why I was thinking a wire or connection.
   / Electrical Issue
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sounds like the fuel solenoid is dropping out or loosing power, below are what is involved in keeping the fuel open.

I have a PDF of the technical manual for your 755, all the electrical diagrams and testing are in it, check your private messages for contact info if you want it

Joe, this old tractor has some character. It can be started in gear. I am definitely going to check the selenoid though.