
   / Earthquake! #11  
Wow! We just had an earthquake here! 7:03 AM! We have had quite a few here in the last couple of years, and this one wasn't as intense as some, but it seemed as if it just ran on an on for maybe 30 seconds. Scary! Dishes wouldn't quit rattling. :eek:

Welcome to the dark side. So now you have earthquakes and tornadoes too. Somebody's pissin off the gods.
   / Earthquake! #12  
My place is about 30 miles from the epicenter, so things shook pretty good. Enough to wake the wife, and that takes some doing! Strongest quake I have experienced since working in Southern California many years ago in the Arcadia area. No damage that I have found so far. Vic
   / Earthquake! #13  
   / Earthquake! #15  
   / Earthquake! #16  
Yes, Mother Earth is saying "STOP FRACKING" but nobody is listening.

Induced Earthquakes

That is because we need to continue fracking, and we need to continue to have small earthquakes instead of letting the tectonic plates build up and have "the big one" naturally.
   / Earthquake! #18  
Looks like you had a good one this time. 14184519_1269762963056090_1443407383399034535_n.jpg
   / Earthquake! #19  
Geologist claim one of the largest quakes ever was in New Madrid Oklahoma in 1811 so they are not unknown there. Many claim the current ones are from fracking but they could just as well be the prelude to another big one in the area. A pretty good write up about the New Madrid fault line is here The Great Midwest Earthquake of 1811
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Science | Smithsonian

New Madrid is in Missouri

What Streetcar says....

The New Madrid earthquakes back in 1811-12 were centered around where Missouri, Kentucky and Tennessee butt up to each other.
Historic Earthquakes