DIY Bridge

   / DIY Bridge #91  
Forcing other people to share cost that they do not see as beneficial to them makes for friendly neighbors. ;)
   / DIY Bridge #93  
Personally I think digging out the driveway and creating a bridge would be best; leaving some extra clearances with regard to length and height. It is likely that the creek may find/erode another path if the restriction at the driveway crossing were to become great enough and that would potentially create a whole new set of problems. I usually try to over-design/build rather than under-design/build. Might cost a little more upfront but typically cheaper and less time consuming in the long run. Would likely also help resale value of the property down the road.

Just my 2 cents.
   / DIY Bridge #94  
While not a popular opinion, getting experts involved will result in significantly more money. But theoretically it will be done right. The first time. (wink wink)

Getting the government involved, could in essence, backfire.

The EPA (or one of the alphabet gangs) could get involved and life changes substantially. Not for the better.

Story Time: (fuzzy recollection) One of the forums I frequent, a guy had permission to grade and re-flow a dry flood plain of sorts on his own property. It was in conjunction with a state/fed road project adjacent or near to his property.

The project ended/cancelled and he was required to stop work then return his property back to original (even though he had prior permission to do the re-grading).

It’s currently in legal limbo. But the work stoppage was absolute. It’s the return to original or ‘fix for the better’ that’s being argued.

So, because it’s a waterway, it’s gonna get ugly once the various departments know you’re doing work.

Story 2: We have family that has unmetered, original water rights from near when the state became a state. They have the right to dredge a section where their irrigation pump sets in place. It’s a protected area off the main river channel (like a protected cove that gets backwater). It gets professionally dredged every 1-3 years. The other years they sometimes do it. Every time, someone reports them. The sheriff, fisheries manager, fish & game dept, and EPA show up. It’s a green pants party. Then they realize the actual location, and leave. But every time there is activity some yahoo upstream driving by calls them in.

Story3: Same family, their neighbors were approached by an alphabet dept sub company. Saying “we’ll dig you a free deep water well”. The trade for sub surface water, was the loss of river water rights AND the loss of surface water rights. Forever. The sub-company hit everyone in the valley. Many took the bait, most did not.

Be careful.
   / DIY Bridge
  • Thread Starter
Downstream neighbor says I can do anything I need, except cut down a bunch of trees. New upstream neighbor says I can work on it below his water gate as long as I don’t dam up the creek and cause more back up to the creek. His water gate is about 50 feet from my easement line, so that gives me room to get a dozer in there.
Would your neighbors allow you to straighten the creek bed to get rid of the dog leg?
Yes. I can take out the doglegs so the water doesn’t run down the driveway but it will be at a slight angle.
   / DIY Bridge #96  
If it is possible,it would be best if the stream flow is straight across your driveway, and any direction change (which slows water and deposits sediment) occurred upstream or downstream of your driveway.
   / DIY Bridge
  • Thread Starter
  1. So, is this your primary residence now?
  2. How many days/year is it currently impassable?
  3. Does the stream flow North to South or South to North?
  4. In the areal photo, the stream bed is amazingly straight. Was that path created by man or nature?
  5. Can you move that dogleg upstream or downstream so the creek flows straight across your driveway?
  6. When the water is high across your driveway, is the current still, slow or swift?
  7. Can you move your driveway to an upstream or downstream crossing?

Lots of questions I know, but related pieces of the puzzle.
1. Yes, primary residence.
2. Days / year when it’s not possible varies. There are probably a total of only 4-6 days where we can’t cross it in a 4WD F250. When that happens it’s usually just a day at a time, two at most. There’s probably 6-8 WEEKS a year that we can’t get the cars out. That’s usually a week or two at a time. Last spring/summer was pretty wet here and we probably had to leave the car on the far side of the creek for about 6 weeks.
3&4. Creek flows North to South and was created by nature.
5. Can’t move the dog leg as in only have a 30 easement. Can try and do away with it.
6. The current is usually not so swift that I can’t wade across in chest waders. Only one time that I remember when it was too swift. My wife is 5’9” , 110 pounds & it’s too swift for her at times. If either of us would happen to slip or get knocked down, we’d be in real trouble. Plus we heading into our late 60’s now.
7. The crossing is at the NE corner of my property. The property runs 1320 ft south but the distance between my land and the road increases. I haven’t talked to that property owner about the possibility of moving the easement or selling me a swath of land at my southern border. It would also need a lot of dozing but there’s no dog leg in that area.
   / DIY Bridge #98  
Those answers are helpful.

Part of the problem is, over the last 20 years, the creek has moved a bit. It used to just flow across the drive after heavy rains. Now water runs and hits my driveway at the east end (bank) of the drive then doglegs west, with half the water turning south after about 30 ft and the rest of the water running down my drive 40-50’ before running south. I have an easement 30 ft wide X about 200 ft to the county road. The creek has another dogleg to the east just after my easement. That property owners has told me that I can have the area dredged to help with the flow.
Thanks for commenting.

Would that property owner let you dredge/move that dogleg upstream (or downstream)?

   / DIY Bridge #99  
I wonder how that dogleg came to be. The tree line suggests that the creek may have moved in a different path along the trees at one point.


  • dogleg2.png
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   / DIY Bridge #100  
I wondered about that as well. It looks like it is back against the treeline farther south.
