Carrier lost my checks

   / Carrier lost my checks #11  
I'm not sure why it is your problem. You paid, received your package. UPS is the agent on the hook to pay the vendor, they collected the money.
   / Carrier lost my checks #12  
We get multiple deliveries a week via UPS. Last month , somehow they managed to loose not 1 but 2 checks that we gave them for COD deliveries. One was 400 something dollars and the other one 300 something. They called and said they need me to replace them as they have record of me paying at time of delivery, but it was lost after the driver turned them into the dispatch. ... Problem is, I write checks out of anywhere between 8-10 books and do not record them in a register... I have no way of knowing the check numbers and my bank won't do a stop payment with out one... Any one had a similar experience ? What did you do ?

I've used carbon or duplicate checks for years and years now. There is no need to make a record of the check as you automatically make a record as you write each check. Ask your bank. Every bank I've ever had has offered them so my guess is your's does too. Between that and online banking I can keep track of everything with minimal muss and fuss.
   / Carrier lost my checks #13  
You know the date, amount and to whom the checks were written. That should be enough information to search your statement/bank record to determine if they have been processed.

Once processed, you will have the check numbers to offer as proof you paid the bill. If someone other than the vendor cashed the check, that is UPS's problem, not yours. If you can show that the check was cleared by your bank it should take you off the hook for the money.

You may have to call or visit your bank to get the statement information if it is not available on line.
   / Carrier lost my checks #14  
I'm not sure why it is your problem. You paid, received your package. UPS is the agent on the hook to pay the vendor, they collected the money.

Pretty much what I thought. You have the receipt saying you fulfilled your end of the deal.

Can they prove the driver didn't cash the check for them self someway?
   / Carrier lost my checks #15  
I'm not sure why it is your problem. You paid, received your package. UPS is the agent on the hook to pay the vendor, they collected the money.


If you'd paid by cash, would they expect you to replace that as well ?

Or if the driver had turned checks in, and it was lost at some further point before they deposited them in their bank ?

Or the bank UPS uses lost them ?

Bad record keeping on your part, but I'd tell UPS it's their problem, not mine.
   / Carrier lost my checks #16  
If you don't record them in a register, do you at least have the "carbonless check copies" in the check book? If not, you're even a worse record keeper than I am.:laughing: Assuming you have the carbons, you're probably going to have to go through the books and look for them.

Also, I'd probably start taking a pic of the check that you give to the UPS driver from here on out.
Even with CC checks I've had problems that SWMBO didn't press down hard enough to make a legible copy.

I'm not sure why it is your problem. You paid, received your package. UPS is the agent on the hook to pay the vendor, they collected the money.
That's the bottomline -
As TnAndy wrote:

If you'd paid by cash, would they expect you to replace that as well ?

Or if the driver had turned checks in, and it was lost at some further point before they deposited them in their bank ?

Or the bank UPS uses lost them ?

Bad record keeping on your part, but I'd tell UPS it's their problem, not mine.

It may mess up your minimal data keeping but you paid, they agreed you paid, the loss needs to be absorbed by them and they need to educate their drivers.

And get some checks with CC. :)
   / Carrier lost my checks #17  
Curious why you do COD anyway? I thought that was a thing of the past?
   / Carrier lost my checks #18  
Curious why you do COD anyway? I thought that was a thing of the past?

Yeah, I didn't even think they would do COD anymore....thought I read that someplace. I always order stuff online or over the phone with credit (NOT DEBIT) card. Record keeping easy, you have protection if the item is damaged or otherwise wrong, and so on.
   / Carrier lost my checks
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Almost all of our materials come COD. I have one supplier that bills me, and I don't really like doing that, the bill always seems larger that I had expected. I also do not like putting it on charge cards. I would just rather have it show up, .. Write a check for it and move on.
   / Carrier lost my checks #20  
The check won't be recorded by the bank until someone tries to cash it. Since you don't know what check number to put the stop payment against you are kinda hanging out there until someone cashes one. I agree with Hawkeyes, why is it your problem?