Price Check B2710 price

   / B2710 price
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Thanks to everyone for their helpfull input. At this point I would certainly buy the new one over the local dealer's rental return. Would make sense to spend only another $300 for a brand new unit. I should hear soon if the Sacramento dealer can guarantee me a September price. Then I'll decide and be sure to post the result here.

Thanks again to all.
   / B2710 price #12  
Dave ; Unfortunately (in my experience anyway) tractor shopping is like car shopping 20 years ago. You don't have publications like Consumer Reports beating up on tractor mfgr's like you have for cars nowadays so most dealers have a take it or leave it attitude, not willing to earn your business like car dealers are being forced to now.

I believe an educated buyer is bad news to a dealer that wants to screw you./w3tcompact/icons/tongue.gif


When I mention TRACTORBYNET to a dealer they always cringe /w3tcompact/icons/laugh.gif/w3tcompact/icons/laugh.gif

Fortunately there are some dealers that are willing to earn your and my business like Carver Equiptment and others.

I tell everyone I know of this site, the faster knowledge spreads the faster we expose the crooks in this business

One of the only things car dealers have left is service to attract customers, tractor dealers have lack of competition in their favor. I dont know about you, but I have run into arrogance beond belief from a lot of dealers like,(I don't have a reason but) youd be crazy not to buy your tractor from me (full list), yea let me get my checkbook NOT!!!!

Enough of my rambling, Good Luck Dave.....and stay tuned .....Steve
   / B2710 price
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Hello to all,
I have been enjoying my shopping experiences thus far. At this point it looks like the harvest rental return is the way to go for me. The harvest season is early this year so the tractor will be ready by mid-August. The tractor will go out without the loader, and without the 3 pt assembled. Only a hitch in the rear to tow picking boxes on trailers. It will first go to the pear orchards for 3 weeks, then sit a couple of weeks and then go for 3 or 4 weeks for grape harvesting. Then return to the dealer for inspection, sprucing up, 3 pt assembly, and loader assembly etc. At that point I will have first option to buy and the price with loader will be $14,573 plus tax.

Does this sound like a good deal? Anyone know of a better deal from a place reasonably close to Northern Cal.? After looking a bit, this seems to be the best I could find and I think I'll go for it. Oh yes, it will come with new factory warrantee as well.

   / B2710 price #14  
Dave, I'm sure no expert on prices, but I wouldn't say it was great deal, but it sure sounds like a fair and reasonable deal (which is all anyone has a right to expect, isn't it?) if the tractor hasn't been abused or damaged.
