Anyone heard how EddieWalker is doing?

   / Anyone heard how EddieWalker is doing? #31  
Good to read your taking the bull by the horns Eddie.
   / Anyone heard how EddieWalker is doing? #32  
Good to hear the update Eddie! Sounds like the counciling is working and you are stay busy and looking after yourself. Sometime as things get better people have a tendency to slack off. So keep up the good work.
   / Anyone heard how EddieWalker is doing? #33  
Eddie, I think that the Red/Green show on TV said it best (don't know if you recall that show, I loved it) "keep your stick on the ice, we're pulling for 'ya"
   / Anyone heard how EddieWalker is doing? #34  
Hang in there Eddie. It will take a while but you'll be able to trust again. Although it doesn't make sense now, time heals all.
   / Anyone heard how EddieWalker is doing? #35  
Just found this thread today, don't know how I missed it. Sorry for your troubles but things will get better, it just takes time. Here is a little story about me, it's true, out of context and probably weird but if it makes you smile then I accomplished what I set out to do.
When I was about five years old my mother had cleaned me up to go to town. She told me to not get dirty and went in to finish getting ready. I made a beeline to the ditch out back and was studying the water. All of sudden I spotted a Crawdad, (that's Crayfish to all of the uninformed who don't speak the lingo of a five year old) SCORE! In my attempt to catch the Crawdad I slipped and fell into the ditch. I was covered with mud from head to toe, I knew I was dead meat when my mother saw me and started calling me by all three of my given names, you know you are in big trouble when mothers do that. In desperation of the impending spanking, I looked Mom in the eye and said "Never help a fat man out of the ditch"! Mom looked at me funny then burst out laughing. I didn't get a spanking but I sure got a good scrubbing.
So my pearl of wisdom to you Eddie is to "Never help a fat man out of the ditch"! Walk easy my friend there are people out there who care for you.
   / Anyone heard how EddieWalker is doing? #36  
... it's true, out of context and probably weird but if it makes you smile then I accomplished what I set out to do...

Yes, you put a smile on my face. Thank you.

   / Anyone heard how EddieWalker is doing? #37  
Hey Eddie, you seem to be doing the right things remember to work hard but also find time to relax and play.

   / Anyone heard how EddieWalker is doing? #38  
Hey Eddie,
Best of luck on your future. The fact that you are looking forward says a lot. I always enjoy reading about your various projects and outlook on life. You help a lot of people get back on solid ground with your advice and knowledge. Thanks for what you do and may God bless you with your dreams.

   / Anyone heard how EddieWalker is doing? #40  
Last I of Eddie is that he was considering traveling and shooting some animals....Oh wait..that's if he won the lottery!:D:thumbsup:

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