Anyone have an old Case parts book they can look something up in please?

   / Anyone have an old Case parts book they can look something up in please?
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Cross-referencing is really key with many old items. I dabble in old Coleman lanterns, and there is a wealth of info on the,. Some of the other makes, not so much. . .
   / Anyone have an old Case parts book they can look something up in please? #12  
I was looking for her too, then I just stopped
   / Anyone have an old Case parts book they can look something up in please? #13  
It's not as handy as it used to be. Several years ago Case/IH deleted a lot of items, like casting pieces they don't handle anymore. Really handy for searching for parts like that. I had an old 310B the top reverser transmission cover, with shifters was shot. Looked up the part number, and searched salvage yards for good used ones, and came up with one. Same with several other tractors I have, so started looking for, and found OEM hard copies.

The key to finding parts, is using the OEM part number. Type it into a search engine, and you'll be amazed what is out therefor sale. I've had the best luck using Google.

Ford/New Holland, AGCO, and John Deere have the same type online parts catalogs, if you ever need parts for their equipment, for tractors, and implements.
I saw that the manual was posted above. I don't know how you found it. I once asked do my assignment from friends, I also found where they helped me do my assignment and I was satisfied. All because of finding this book. My father asked me very much. But I couldn't do it.
I'm using the OEM part number too
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   / Anyone have an old Case parts book they can look something up in please? #14  
Here's a pic from the Wix master catalog 1998
