A rainy Saturday equals no ambition for me........

   / A rainy Saturday equals no ambition for me........ #1  


Super Member
May 12, 2013
Might as well just stay inside and listen to my song play-list, then come on here shoot the breeze and chew the fat or is there something else I should be doing, I wont ask the wife that.........
   / A rainy Saturday equals no ambition for me........ #2  
Might as well just stay inside and listen to my song play-list, then come on here shoot the breeze and chew the fat or is there something else I should be doing, I wont ask the wife that.........

It is often referred to a "personal down time"
It is good for you!
   / A rainy Saturday equals no ambition for me........ #3  
Good day for not getting too serious about it. I left for my mother's house at around 4:00 this AM, hoping to get the old Ferguson undercover, rather than where it's been sitting since we rolled it out of the barn a few weeks ago. I already replaced the fuel shutoff/sediment bowl, fuel lines, and new carb; hopefully I could just put fuel and a battery in, start it, and drive inside where I would change the water pump while listening to the rain on the roof. As expected it started raining just as I pulled into town.
After ensuring the petcock was off I dumped a gallon of gas in-hmm, the sediment bowl is full, the shutoff must be backward to what I expected. I went inside, put the battery on charge, came back out- and that gallon of gas had run out through my brand new 268 dollar carburetor onto the ground.

I threw a tarp over it, visited with my mother for a while and headed home.

8 hours of driving and I was in town for less than an hour.
   / A rainy Saturday equals no ambition for me........
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"personal down time" HAHAHAH I like that:laughing::thumbsup:
   / A rainy Saturday equals no ambition for me........ #5  
Jstpssing - somedays things just turn out that way!

We are thankful for the rain finally, but was planning to split wood today but got a haircut instead and having some down time.
   / A rainy Saturday equals no ambition for me........
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Good day for not getting too serious about it. I left for my mother's house at around 4:00 this AM, hoping to get the old Ferguson undercover, rather than where it's been sitting since we rolled it out of the barn a few weeks ago. I already replaced the fuel shutoff/sediment bowl, fuel lines, and new carb; hopefully I could just put fuel and a battery in, start it, and drive inside where I would change the water pump while listening to the rain on the roof. As expected it started raining just as I pulled into town.
After ensuring the petcock was off I dumped a gallon of gas in-hmm, the sediment bowl is full, the shutoff must be backward to what I expected. I went inside, put the battery on charge, came back out- and that gallon of gas had run out through my brand new 268 dollar carburetor onto the ground.

I threw a tarp over it, visited with my mother for a while and headed home.

8 hours of driving and I was in town for less than an hour.

Wow 4am, where does Mom live.... How old is this Fergy, 6volt? I see you ended with a good news bad news story that on this side is funny, the good news is only a gallon, the bad news is, a brand new carb!!!! whats up with that..................
Its a great day to visit Mom while she's still here:thumbsup:
   / A rainy Saturday equals no ambition for me........
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I have to get a hair cut next week, short hair guys on my crew said so, it is getting on the long side, but the good news is now I get the senior discount, yahoo!!
   / A rainy Saturday equals no ambition for me........ #8  
Wow 4am, where does Mom live.... How old is this Fergy, 6volt? I see you ended with a good news bad news story that on this side is funny, the good news is only a gallon, the bad news is, a brand new carb!!!! whats up with that..................
Its a great day to visit Mom while she's still here:thumbsup:
It's just 200 miles from my house to hers... it's been bugging me that the tractor is setting outside so I was hoping to remedy it.
It will be interesting to see what *********'s Tractor has to say. I believe they have a 30 day return policy but it took me longer than that to install it. Hopefully the water pump I bought 3 years ago will work better... changing that is too much work to find out the pump is defective.
   / A rainy Saturday equals no ambition for me........
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It's just 200 miles from my house to hers... it's been bugging me that the tractor is setting outside so I was hoping to remedy it.
It will be interesting to see what *********'s Tractor has to say. I believe they have a 30 day return policy but it took me longer than that to install it. Hopefully the water pump I bought 3 years ago will work better... changing that is too much work to find out the pump is defective.

A sign of liking to drive on ME roads, truck drivers are in high demand everywhere and pays the most. How come the original carb cant be rebuilt, I thought old tractors was easy to work on?
   / A rainy Saturday equals no ambition for me........ #10  
It's gloomy soggy day here also but we sure do need the rain badly before the ground freezes so I'm good with that and...look on the bright side it's not freezing rain.