
   / Beekeeping #141  
So I went to the house last night to consult with the owner regarding the cutout. It appeared the swarm was just moving in, they were still very unorganized and swarmy. I took a swarm trap with me, in case it was an easy scoop and run. I left the trap under the overhang where the bees were entering the house when I left. Today I got a video from the owner showing a lot of activity entering and exiting the trap. Wouldnt it be WILD if they changed their mind and just took up camp in my box? I’ll check back in a couple days, and I have doubts, but a guy can dream!

Update. The owner reports maybe 5-10 bees near the opening under the soffit. Yesterday it was hundreds. All the activity is at the box
I was fortunate last year to get a swarm like this. They were bunched up on the corner of a boxed in window that came out from the side of the house about 12". I was certain that I wasn't going to get them and it would be an expensive extraction for the owner. The surprise and the only reason I answered the call was that the bees has been there for weeks and built comb in the corner. I removed the comb and put it into a box I left there for a few days. Despite seeing bees going in and out of the soffit. They must not have had significant space inside.

It certainly is not good, but honeybees will do dumb things when they can't find a good location to move to. Many years ago I was leaving my apiary in the early winter. About 15' into some thick brush I caught a huge amount of comb. Apparently a swarm built it during the summer and eventually died off. There's no way a hive can survive in the open like that. Robbing in the fall likely killed them off. Too much open comb to guard.
   / Beekeeping #142  
Baited some traps last night. Getting a trap hung on the neighbors property today and maybe moving a hive or two to another property in preparation for more bees. It's been a blessed season so far. I love beekeeping... I can't wait to invest more time in it.
   / Beekeeping
  • Thread Starter
I'm still running just as short on time as I thought I would be this season. Peak nectar flow is starting right now. We will have frost in the mornings this week but honeysuckle and blackberries have started blooming. Tis the season.

I also got a nuc from my Sunday School teacher a couple weekends ago. Got a bee stuck in the wrist of my jacket and got a good poke. This is the worst reaction I've had. It's odd how sometimes a sting will not cause any swelling and hardly any pain, and then other times... this...
   / Beekeeping #145  
Sometimes people experience ever worsening reactions to stings, up to and including anaphylaxis. I try to minimize stings because I really don't want that to be the case with me... But inevitably I get stung a few times each year.
   / Beekeeping #146  
This spring is very weird in the South Willamette Valley of Oregon after our ice storm in Feb. . There are no bees. NO BEES. There are almost no pollinating insects at all, aside from very small flys.
   / Beekeeping #150  
Off to work again this week... Temps are supposed to climb into the 80s this weekend... So maybe I'll get another swarm call while I'm away 🤣