You Know You Are Old When

   / You Know You Are Old When #1,891  
If you wear a tank top, you're not old.

It used to be...girls wore tank tops and men wore muscle shirts. Something has changed over the years.
Same article of clothing, different name. Big deal. Sort of like what we used to call SK's are now muck boots. Or Jr. High becoming middle school.
   / You Know You Are Old When #1,893  
Ok. I had to Google basin wrench. So that’s what that thing is. 😄
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My first one was made by the old plumbing tool company Rigid. I bought a second one last summer when I needed to change some taps in my trailer while on wildfire evacuation. Don't remember the price on the first one but I'm sure it was way more than the $15.00 I spent on the second one. Lots of tools today are way less expensive than they used to be.
   / You Know You Are Old When #1,895  
Remember the accordion-like scissors gates that opened in the door to keep you back? When the elevator attendant said "step back" with his voice of authority, everyone did.
All I remember were female elevator operators. When my father asked why they were always ladies, my mother replied that it was too complicated for men to do.
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   / You Know You Are Old When #1,896  
If you're desperate, you can bend a regular open end wrench 90 degrees near the end. Done that for other applications too.
The bending part would be another application for what someone called "the blue wrench" otherwise known as an acetylene torch.
   / You Know You Are Old When #1,899  
I'd guess my father had well over 100 neckties. They were required at his jobs. I probably have 30-40. The only time I wear them now is to weddings and funerals. Got some really nice ones with great patterns. Dad had a lot from pre-WWII through the 70's. Some were pretty wild.
My Dad passed 10 years ago and all of his ties are still in his closet...from bolo ties to canoe paddles and the closet still reeks of Old Spice a decade later.
Ties ruined me for going to church...putting on those starched stiff as a board ironed shirts & pants, hot with no ac, tie so tight I couldn't swallow the little communion cracker. I assumed it was penance for all the bad things I had done during the week like flushing M-80s down the school toilets.
   / You Know You Are Old When #1,900  
Start getting crankier with technology...

New church group has a group text. It's like dealing with people who get an email at work and they hit "respond all" and some guy in another state is telling you something you don't need or particularly want to read but he sends it to all the employees, be it 5 guys or 5,000 guys.

For myself, if I get a group text, I'm only replying to the originator of the group text because I most likely have their contact info in my phone.

These group texts get ridiculous IMO and I ask to be removed from the texts.

The pastor asks everyone if we'd be ok dealing with a App. I'm fine with that as this way my wife can deal with it and let me know what we're doing because I'm going to ask her anyways so I DON'T download the app.

Apparently unbeknownst to me, if you don't download the app, you will STILL get texts. My phone is "blowing up" with texts all day yesterday on a bunch of people trying to figure out when people can volunteer time, this while I'm had 2 meetings and a lunch meeting yesterday.

I explained to my wife that my phone is generally for family and work. I live off my phone for work and last thing I want is 20 yahoos on a group text talking to the originator of the group text telling them things I have absolutely no interests in and basically what I figure is stupid trivial stuff.

So, I ask to be removed from this "chat group" again yesterday. Wife is mad because I sent it to EVERYONE in the group chat. I honestly don't care. Wife asks me how the pastor is to communicate with everyone. I just tell her that you tell people the time and day you need them and if they can make it, they make it and if they can't, they can't.

I forget exactly how people communicated with each other before cell phones LOL