The one animal I would eradicate from the planet...

   / The one animal I would eradicate from the planet... #151  
Kind of, sort of, maybe, but that would be the progression;)

Ultimately what I'm saying is we are supposedly the smarted species on this planet, yet people do stupid ***** like murder and have children when they aren't ready to have children (and care for them in a family environment) for the last 2,000 years.

I understand why animals propagate, but sometimes I have no clue why some humans do.

Locally, we had our first shooting death in a high school this past week. I have little doubt this event came directly from a lack of family environment from both the perps AND victims family.
shootings in schools by young folks is on the news pretty much every day here. i don't pay attention so it may be the same shooting? Doubt it.
   / The one animal I would eradicate from the planet... #152  
I don't disagree with you, however I do disagree with giving the state that kind of power.

Generally state government agencies start out for a legitimate reason, but when given power, that power tends to grow, and then that power tends to get abused in areas where it wasn't intended for.

Being that we are apparently the most intellectual species on our planet, you would think common sense would tell you that if you don't have the time, financial resources or even the willingness to make at least 18 year commitment to have a child, you would take precautions to ensure you won't become pregnant to begin with.

The above is where I give animals a free pass. I don't for humans.

People make mistakes, I get it. The problem is it takes two to tango and you darn well would think people would learn from their first mistake.

The irony is, my dad was one of 11 and my mom one of 12. The impression I got from my mother and father was the line of reasoning back then was the more kids, the more money they brought into the family when they could start work (we're not talking at age 16 either). My dad was helping at age 7 in the family bootlegging mine to heat the house.

I'd like to think I got my work eithic from both my father and mother, who in turn got it from their parents. In that area, I consider myself blessed. I not certain what kids learn when they figure out they are just more money into their parents pocket book.
you use the word parents, plural. i'm pretty sure about 1/2 the kids are raised in single parent households.

I believe, if we want things to go back to "normal", a child needs a dad and a mom. Our culture was built on that idea. It's not that way now and i don't believe it's going to return to the old "normal".

We have a new normal.

When we pay women to have children out of wedlock and then keep paying them, we get what we deserve.

The kids are the real victims, then the culture.
   / The one animal I would eradicate from the planet... #153  
The new normal is two dads or two moms with adopted children. I'm still trying to get my head around that.
   / The one animal I would eradicate from the planet... #154  
The new normal is two dads or two moms with adopted children. I'm still trying to get my head around that.
yea, i've come to the conclusion that normal is what you grow up with, including all the propaganda. The best example is, Mr Smith goes to washington.

each new generations values change so their normal is a bit different than my normal.....then another generation and another then, everything's very different to me, we have a new normal. The modern day speed of change, the compression of time, changes happen much faster.

i think that's why old guys tend to get curmudgeonly? we have been through a lot of changes and we tend to pay attention. It's just not normal!

   / The one animal I would eradicate from the planet... #155  
The new normal is two dads or two moms with adopted children. I'm still trying to get my head around that.
But they are still husband and wife. :confused::unsure::rolleyes:

Years ago in my "enlightened" days I met two women who were deathly afraid of men... I' never did figure out WTF I was doing there. Yet they were raising a son in his early teens. The only thing I remember from that encounter was that he was one messed up kid, being raised by people who were afraid of his gender. For a long time I wondered what became of him, most likely he ended up in prison or dead.
   / The one animal I would eradicate from the planet...
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The new normal is two dads or two moms with adopted children. I'm still trying to get my head around that.
Just because one is homosexual does not make one a bad parent

The reality is every state has numerous children within the state who are in foster care whose biological parents have had their parental rights terminated by the state for good reason (these are heterosexual parents who lost their children mind you), and at the end of the day, if a couple (no matter what sexual preference) would like to adopt, as long as they meet the state qualifications to adopt, the state can and probably will adopt them to "gay" parents.

We adopted a dog out years ago to a lesbian couple. In many ways after getting to know them personally, they were a better fit for the dog than some other applicants in both my wifes and I opinion.

News flash, just because your gay, does not make you a pedophile.
   / The one animal I would eradicate from the planet...
  • Thread Starter
But they are still husband and wife. :confused::unsure::rolleyes:

Years ago in my "enlightened" days I met two women who were deathly afraid of men... I' never did figure out WTF I was doing there. Yet they were raising a son in his early teens. The only thing I remember from that encounter was that he was one messed up kid, being raised by people who were afraid of his gender. For a long time I wondered what became of him, most likely he ended up in prison or dead.
Likewise, after doing training by the state for foster care, we met some gay people fostering children. Those "parents" had their act together more than some biological parents we knew in the court system.

The lesbian couple we adopted the dog out to were not afraid of men, yet the love they showed toward each other (one had a medial condition) was more than what we had seen in some heterosexual homes for children.
   / The one animal I would eradicate from the planet...
  • Thread Starter
you use the word parents, plural. i'm pretty sure about 1/2 the kids are raised in single parent households.
Wasn't until my late 30's I figured out my aunt was really my cousin.

The "hush hush" in the family that my aunt got married to a wife beater in the late 30's. My grandfather and uncles went to my aunts house when she had a baby, and beat the "husband" pretty close to death, ironcically enough, no charges were ever pressed, and the baby was brought home to be raised in the family (my dad being young, always thought of her as his sister until he got older).

Point being, all the crap going on now per cheating and spousal abuse happened a centrury ago, but most women put up with it because that was their place in society.

How many girls in the 40's and 50's "went away" because they were pregnat and out of wedlock?
   / The one animal I would eradicate from the planet... #159  
I'm no bleeding heart anything... but to shoot any animal for target practice is below sub human and disgusting; to say it with pride is revolting. And if I get banned or a vacation for saying it... so be it.
I shot flies lit on laundry towels with my BB gun. Mom didnt like it.
   / The one animal I would eradicate from the planet... #160  
I don't disagree with you, however I do disagree with giving the state that kind of power.

Generally state government agencies start out for a legitimate reason, but when given power, that power tends to grow, and then that power tends to get abused in areas where it wasn't intended for.

Being that we are apparently the most intellectual species on our planet, you would think common sense would tell you that if you don't have the time, financial resources or even the willingness to make at least 18 year commitment to have a child, you would take precautions to ensure you won't become pregnant to begin with.

The above is where I give animals a free pass. I don't for humans.

People make mistakes, I get it. The problem is it takes two to tango and you darn well would think people would learn from their first mistake.

The irony is, my dad was one of 11 and my mom one of 12. The impression I got from my mother and father was the line of reasoning back then was the more kids, the more money they brought into the family when they could start work (we're not talking at age 16 either). My dad was helping at age 7 in the family bootlegging mine to heat the house.

I'd like to think I got my work eithic from both my father and mother, who in turn got it from their parents. In that area, I consider myself blessed. I not certain what kids learn when they figure out they are just more money into their parents pocket book.

I don’t disagree with not giving the state that power but they already have it. And clearly humans don’t have the ability to decide not to have kids if they can’t take care of them.