Any Pilots Among Members?

   / Any Pilots Among Members? #11  
Another taildragger here, shortly after I moved to Oregon I found a place where you could rent a T-Craft or Champ for $12 an hour wet, needless to say that was a long time ago.
   / Any Pilots Among Members? #12  
Yes...Cessna 150 but I too am not current and have not flown in years....I stopped when I realized I did not fly enough to keep my skills sharp and at the time I was just too busy to spend enough time flying...I loved it though...
   / Any Pilots Among Members?
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Yeah Bo,

I know what you mean. I was having IFR recert on the plane last week and the technician found a couple of issues so parts are on order and it will mean a couple of hours shop time.

When I say "working mans Cessna" it means an old 172 that is in good condition and still flies like it's new. Any big blip at the annual will put me out of the game and I'll have to sell it. I just want about 5 more years to enjoy it before hanging it up.

Like most of us that fly, it was a lifelong dream for me. And, like most of us, that dream was on hold during the family and job responsibility years. Now, I just fly over the Maine coast and lakes at 3000 feet for relaxation and enjoyment.
   / Any Pilots Among Members? #14  
yup 40 years
gliders,,150,,champ,,mooney,,180 on floats wheels ,skiis
still fly 180 on floats:):)View attachment 369410

I am seaplane rated too! (Got that bug on a visit to Alaska, many years ago!) Did mine in a Cessna 185 on PK Amphibian floats! Small world!
   / Any Pilots Among Members? #15  
I started flying in 1974 and bought a 1975 model Cessna Cardinal RG in 1983. I flew it back from Venezuela and it was a bear getting it registered in the states as it had to have all the AR's reviewed to make sure they were all current. It was fun to fly but had lots of problems with the micro-switches in the gear and throttle that wouldn't stay in position. I kept it about 3 years but it got too expensive for annuals and even to park it on the tarmac plus insurance and I didn't have time to fly when working 7 days a week and if I didn't work all the time, I couldn't afford the plane. Finally sold it to an Air Force Captain.

I haven't flown since selling it and do miss it a bit until I see what they cost now and the bug goes away.
   / Any Pilots Among Members? #16  
When you have the money , you also have the family responsibilities, house payments et al. Now close to retirement age and you have the time, but the prices are through the roof. Vicious circle isn't it?
I'm 67, I am pretty quite sure I could pass the medical, but 5 years ago the price to learn to fly was $5,000.oo + $110.oo/hr for the plane. Now with ramp fees up big time, the cost of the plane, the cost of insurance, not to mention fuel, etc. as much as I love flying I have admitted to myself that it will never happen. :irked: I will shelf that dream along with the Buggatti Veyron.
   / Any Pilots Among Members? #17  
Over the years I've had partnerships in a Cessna 152, fixed gear Cardinal, Piper Arrow and a v tail Bonanza and
I also worked as a flight instructor for about 10 years. I don't fly single engines very much anymore because my jet job keeps me really busy, but I do miss flying the little guys.
   / Any Pilots Among Members? #18  
When you have the money , you also have the family responsibilities, house payments et al. Now close to retirement age and you have the time, but the prices are through the roof. Vicious circle isn't it?
I'm 67, I am pretty quite sure I could pass the medical, but 5 years ago the price to learn to fly was $5,000.oo + $110.oo/hr for the plane. Now with ramp fees up big time, the cost of the plane, the cost of insurance, not to mention fuel, etc. as much as I love flying I have admitted to myself that it will never happen. :irked: I will shelf that dream along with the Buggatti Veyron.

Don't give up the dream. There are other ways to get your pilot's certificate that are more affordable. Look into joining a flying club or joining a partership at your local airport. If you have the time, what about working part time at the airport washing planes and pumping fuel in exchange for flight time?
   / Any Pilots Among Members? #19  
Army aviator. Fixed and rotary wing qualified. Hold commercial multi engine instrument (not current).

Flew two year in Vietnam. Mostly O-1's.


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   / Any Pilots Among Members? #20  
Over the years I've had partnerships in a Cessna 152, fixed gear Cardinal, Piper Arrow and a v tail Bonanza and
I also worked as a flight instructor for about 10 years. I don't fly single engines very much anymore because my jet job keeps me really busy, but I do miss flying the little guys.

It was my jet flying job that caused me to sell my Cessna 140A, as I had no time for the fun flying. Neat being back in GA now, but yes, prices are high. Still costs no more than RVing, IMO.