Rural Security

   / Rural Security
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I wish I could have a dog but as I stated earlier we travel, I mean we stay gone a month at a time.
We live in a rural area with no neighbors within a mile of each direction. There is no one to feed a dog while we are gone. When we are home I have security sensors that let us know someone is on my property. I just wanted something to let the thieves know that they have just activated a security system before they bust in the door.
   / Rural Security #12  

Have you thought about putting a pressure switch or mat under all door mats in front of each entry door and then connect that to your alarm and an audible bell or could rig it to reset after 5 or 10 minutes.
   / Rural Security #13  
When we are home I have security sensors that let us know someone is on my property. I just wanted something to let the thieves know that they have just activated a security system before they bust in the door.

All sorts of creative ways to do something like this....

Since there are existing security sensors, I'd look into something that tied into them. Maybe the company that made them offers a product. Or, you can use something like a current sensing power strip. Plug your existing alert device into the sensing plug on the strip and adjust it so that when your device alerts (draws more power), it turns on the other plugs. The other plugs would power things like lights, radios, etc. They would come on just while the device is alerting and then go off. so it would look like someone was inside your house flipping lights off and on. if the current sensing power strip doesn't work, maybe there's some sort of output on the alerting device that a relay could be run off of.

Someone mentioned a pressure switch - this could be something like wiring a security system alarm up like a doorbell, with the switch underneath a welcome mat, porch board, step, etc.

Get a (or several) motion sensor light fixture. Instead of putting light bulbs in it, use one of those bulb-to-oulet adapters and plug in a siren or other noise maker (something that makes barking noises?).

And there's always the super simple "This house protected by XYZ alarm monitoring service" yard/window signs. How is the thief going to know if you actually have a monitoring service or not?

Use several different approaches.

   / Rural Security #14  
On our first robbery the thieves blew the brains out of our Doberman while she was protecting the back door. They cleaned us out that day. On the second robbery attempt our two Dobermans ran the thieves off. All the stuff in my pole barn was stacked outside waiting for a truck to pick it up. But they couldn't deal with the Doberman's this last time. I feel better with the dogs when I am not home.

Wow! Tough neighborhood. Have a meth problem out your way?
   / Rural Security #16  
How about having a sensor on the door step or driveway that would trigger a loud recording of Dueling Banjos. Every 30-60 seconds have the music stop for the following sound bites:
Looks like we got us a sow here instead of a boar.
He got a real pretty mouth ain't he?
You gonna do some prayin' for me, boy. And you better pray good.
I bet you can squeal like a pig. Weeeeeeee!



   / Rural Security #17  
How about having a sensor on the door step or driveway that would trigger a loud recording of Dueling Banjos. Every 30-60 seconds have the music stop for the following sound bites:



Dan, That is a winner....gotta be the best suggestion yet...guaranteed to work...:)
   / Rural Security #18  
How about having a sensor on the door step or driveway that would trigger a loud recording of Dueling Banjos. Every 30-60 seconds have the music stop for the following sound bites:



That would work for me! :eek:
I worked for the census here 2006 and the houses that were the scariest either had large dogs running around, or just had lots of junk scattered everywhere and all the windows covered. At some places I had banjo's playing in my head so I just tossed the form in a bag at the end of the driveway and booted it... People with very unkept property might have been a bit under represented in my area:laughing:
   / Rural Security #19  
We have a private road with a gate. Sometimes we leave the gate open and people will drive up the road in spite of the gate, fence and NO TRESPASS sign. I have long thought about installing a sensor at the gate that would start playing a recording of Dueling Banjos when a car/person passed through. :laughing::laughing::laughing: I want to put signs along the road with the quotes from the movie along with life sized posers of the characters from the movie.

I figured anyone passing the gate, fence and NO TRESPASS sign, then ignoring the music, movie quotes, character posters, would have to be crazy to pass the last poster of Ned Beatty's fanny in the air.

The wife does not like my idea. :confused3::laughing::laughing::laughing:

What the heck is wrong with her? :D:D:D

   / Rural Security #20  
Perhaps a motion senor that triggers the sound of someone letting loose a weapon (like the clip played in Home Alone)

Aaron Z