You Know You Are Old When

   / You Know You Are Old When #33  
Christmas was great but I got yet another reminder that I’m getting old.

We had a bunch of younger nieces and nephews over Christmas Eve. I had Dean Martin and Bing Crosby Christmas songs going as background music.

My 18 year old niece asked “who is singing”?

I said “Bing Crosby, maybe the best singer ever”. She looks at me and says “who is that”.

OMG in their language.

After much discussion and and a brief survey, turns out NONE of the kids 18 or under had any clue whatsoever about Bing Crosby, Dean Martin or Frank Sinatra. Not a clue.

I am getting old!!!
Had similar but when the girls were young and spending the weekend they would always asks lots of questions like how do you call with a rotary dial or rabbit ears on the TV or asking to see one of the “Grey and White” shows like Flubber or Little Lord Fauntleroy” or It’s a Wonderful Life which they really love and know the lines…

It was long before they discovered the HiFi and wanted to know how it worked…

It hadn’t been on for 25 years but with a little help to get the turntable spinning it came to life…

I wish I had something to play the old was cylinders in the closet but the 4, 8, cassette and real to real still work…

We always have fun and they gain a little knowledge…
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   / You Know You Are Old When #34  
I probably wouldn't know their favorite current musical "artists" either, so it's fair. We're not old - we're experienced.
We mix it up with One Direction and Shaggy… etc.

and throw oldies into the rotation like Downtown and Ice Baby and Rock Around the Clock

They do know In the Mood and Moonlight Serenade from the old records.
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   / You Know You Are Old When
  • Thread Starter
You buy reader glasses by the 6 pack.
The wife tells you to get your hearing checked. And you say what?
You are ready for bed at 8:30 and up at 4:30 am.

Ha - and eat dinner at 4:00pm!
   / You Know You Are Old When #38  
Had similar but when the girls were young and spending the weekend they would always asks lots of questions like how do you call with a rotary dial or rabbit ears on the TV or asking to see one of the “Grey and White” shows like Flubber or Little Lord Fauntleroy” or It’s a Wonderful Life which they really love and know the lines…

It was long before they discovered the HiFi and wanted to know how it worked…

It hadn’t been on for 25 years but with a little help to get the turntable spinning it came to life…

I wish I had something to play the old was cylinders in the closet but the 4, 8, cassette and real to real still work…

We always have fun and they gain a little knowledge…
Amberola by chance?

We see those in antique stores and consignment shops fairly often. ebay, too, of course.

   / You Know You Are Old When #39  
Amberola by chance?

We see those in antique stores and consignment shops fairly often. ebay, too, of course.

I may have to buy one to make the set complete.

Have a couple of boxes of newspapers from the 1940’s mostly the specials all headlines Japanese attack… etc.

The seller of my home was a widow and remarried as was his second wife.

The seconds wife’s first husband was career newspaper man and these boxes were left behind… and I have not done anything special with them…
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   / You Know You Are Old When #40  
Probably mentioned before... Wife and I were at an antique store several years ago and they were closing permanently. They had a really clean player piano in a nice blonde wood with what seemed like a couple hundred rolls and they were giving it away for free. I had no way to get it home on such short notice and it had to be gone that day. Grrrr..... 🙃

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