Yanmar YM1600

   / Yanmar YM1600 #11  
Open site of " old Yanmar " any information on these early model Yanmar tractors is hard to come by. The New Yanmar are well supported. Before the internet. Old school Need a part look it up!! Hoye and Fredricks is about it for parts and Tech. support besides this Chat group.
   / Yanmar YM1600 #12  
I am a dummy on computers but with my very limited knowledge I can find most anything in that forum. No doubt it might could use improvement, but I consider myself lucky or maybe blessed to have someone to take the time to not only find but make available all the information there.
   / Yanmar YM1600 #14  
So I joined the group, and spent about 30 minutes browsing the site.. I now understand why I've never heard of groups.io. that seems to be the most convoluted and impossible to navigate site I've ever visited lol.

You should seriously consider a different host for the forum, maybe even just integrate a Google drive folder to a basic forum.

After about a half hour of searching, and being unable to find a single technical document on any tractor, other than an Excel sheet that was supposed to list specifications of tractors but for some reason only cataloged horsepower ratings, I gave up.

I should note: I'm a computer programmer and web developer - I build my own computers, I design and build automated machinery and robots, write all my own software, design all of my own electronics, build on my own circuit boards, fabricate all of my equipment using CNC, 3D printing, my old school DeWalt sliding miter saw, a welder and some grinders. I should be able to figure the site out lol.

That's a shame, because according to your post there is a plethora of information there that I have not been able to find anywhere else.

I did however, find that www.southernfarmequipmentimports.com has the Japanese versions available to download for free.

Here is a link to their 1600/1900 listing:

Here is the ym1600 service manual direct download link provided on that page:

Hope you guys get that worked out, and thank you for all of your hard work from all the people that were able to figure your site out. Cheers.
Hmm, You are the first person mentioned they can not find anything on the site. Once you have a GroupsIO member ID, you can get to all of the 250+ manuals for FREE.

Oh, and the manual in your link first came from our site and then water-marked by Southern. I know, our team places a certain small indicator on one of the pages for each manual.

There are 5 different places on the site linking you right to the manuals, can't miss it. BUT, if you just browsed the site without login, you will find nothing. Membership there is free as well.

If you do have a loging ID there and still can't get to things, send a message to the admin email or post on the forum there. Several of the people here on TBN are members there too. :) We are here to help you.

Back in 2019 when Yahoo Groups closed, I asked people where we should go. The majority picked GroupsIO as it has the same functions of GeoCites+Yahoo Groups rolled into 1. Plus the migration was easier to move the content over. Hard to move 35+ years of legacy to Google.
   / Yanmar YM1600 #15  
I'm about to throw my phone at the wall trying to reply to this. The ads on these sites are so bad with their constant refresh rate my phone won't even load my keyboard properly, and I'm using a $2k Samsung phone.

Just spent the last 2 days looking for the ym1600 engine manual. Groups io has NOTHING. apparently, everything was moved to some other site with a "manuals tab" THAT DOES NOT EXIST.

Was reading through here, and someone else seemed to have the same problem as me a couple years ago. Checked the poster, nope! It was me!!!

I've been trying to find a damn manual for this tractor so I can get it started for what, two years now? These sites, the Internet in general is turning into an F'ing joke.

I've been trying to write this for 5 minutes now. These ******* ads messing up my keyboard are really pissing me off. The string of ads that start right above my keyboard in the pic are the culprit.

I've literally wasted DAYS OF MY LIFE looking for thi I CAN'T ******* TYPE


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   / Yanmar YM1600 #16  
Yes, I'm logged in. No ad blocker (evident by my keyboard).

There are ZERO manuals on the groups io page. The only file directory with more than 5 items is adirectory full of archived chats downloadable in a .csv file or something. I've literally clicked EVERY link I can find and not a single manual.

WHERE are these manuals????


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   / Yanmar YM1600 #18  
I'm about to throw my phone at the wall trying to reply to this. The ads on these sites are so bad with their constant refresh rate my phone won't even load my keyboard properly, and I'm using a $2k Samsung phone.

Just spent the last 2 days looking for the ym1600 engine manual. Groups io has NOTHING. apparently, everything was moved to some other site with a "manuals tab" THAT DOES NOT EXIST.

Was reading through here, and someone else seemed to have the same problem as me a couple years ago. Checked the poster, nope! It was me!!!

I've been trying to find a damn manual for this tractor so I can get it started for what, two years now? These sites, the Internet in general is turning into an F'ing joke.

I've been trying to write this for 5 minutes now. These ******* ads messing up my keyboard are really pissing me off. The string of ads that start right above my keyboard in the pic are the culprit.

I've literally wasted DAYS OF MY LIFE looking for thi I CAN'T ******* TYPE
To see this site with no ads, just use the GHOSTERY browser on your phone. Its free and will not track you. Its a browser highly rated by the EFF.

EFF is a nonprofit organization that fights for online privacy, free speech, and innovation. Learn about their latest campaigns, updates, and resources on topics such as surveillance, censorship, and decentralization.