Why this constriction in fitting?

   / Why this constriction in fitting? #1  


Veteran Member
Jun 30, 2021
Whidbey Island, WA
yanmar ym2310
The hose that comes out of the aftermarket FEL valve on my Yanmar YM2310 and goes to the fluid reservoir has a fitting with a very small hole. The hose is 1/4" I.D. but the hole in the fitting is only about 5/32" diameter. So the flow coming out of the valve is restricted. I checked the other hose fittings connected to the FEL valve and none of them have this constriction. The valve has a power beyond port that is plumbed to the 3PH. The only reason I can think of for the small hole in the fitting is to add some back pressure and that this back pressure maybe has something to do with the power beyond function. Is this correct?
   / Why this constriction in fitting? #2  
Just a flow restrictor to control the cylinders better. I use the same thing on some of my hay tools to slow the descent of the cutting heads.
   / Why this constriction in fitting? #3  
If understanding correctly this was on the tank line and not power beyond. Tank line back pressure would have no effect on power beyond.

Maybe in tank line to reduce drop speed of the loader and or dump speed of the bucket.
   / Why this constriction in fitting?
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Thanks 5030 and oldnslo, your explanations make total sense, slowing down the dry speed. I knew I would get the correct info here.