Why not put the date in your photos?

   / Why not put the date in your photos? #1  


Super Star Member
Dec 8, 2007
Kubota M7040, Kubota MX5100, Deere 790 TLB, Farmall Super C
I've lived long enough to know that if you live long enough and take photos over the years, you'll wish you put the date imprint in the photo so you know when it was taken. I've been doing just that for 10 hears now and never have to guess when it was taken. Yes, we remember when we are young but not so as well get older. Also, when photos are posted here, it would be nice, for a frame of reference, to see a date in the photo so we know when it was taken. All you do is turn on the date imprint in the menu of the camera.

Just my two cents.
   / Why not put the date in your photos? #2  
I just right click on the pic and look at properties for the date!
   / Why not put the date in your photos? #3  
My iPhone datas the photos. I hardly ever use a real camera because the camera in my iPhone 7 is good enough for me.
   / Why not put the date in your photos? #4  
Good point 6dogs. Its another step in my photo software that I seldom do. Wish it were automatic - actually, it probably is - I've just got to find the area where I need to check the box.
   / Why not put the date in your photos? #5  
Wouldn’t the date on the post be close? Or am I missing something? I like the idea though- it bums me out when I transfer photos and all the dates switch to the same date
   / Why not put the date in your photos?
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Wouldn’t the date on the post be close? Or am I missing something? I like the idea though- it bums me out when I transfer photos and all the dates switch to the same date

That's right, but if we print the date in the photo the problem is fixed. I right clicked on an old photo and it showed 2018 rather the older date I knew it was.

Grow older and the need for the date will reveal itself when the closest guess is a few years either way.
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   / Why not put the date in your photos? #7  
   / Why not put the date in your photos? #8  
   / Why not put the date in your photos? #9  
My iPhone datas the photos. I hardly ever use a real camera because the camera in my iPhone 7 is good enough for me.

I only WISH my old digital 4MB camera took as good pictures as my ultra-cheap phone camera! Neither have a date stamp feature. And yes, dating photos is an excellent idea, especially after some time has passed.

So, the question begs - is it time for a better camera, or a better phone, with a time stamp.
   / Why not put the date in your photos? #10  
That's right, but if we print the date in the photo the problem is fixed. I right clicked on an old photo and it showed 2018 rather the older date I knew it was.

Grow older and the need for the date will reveal itself when the closest guess is a few years either way.

Got to give credit to my parents. They generally wrote the year either in the corner or on the back of the picture.