Where to buy sunflower seeds.

   / Where to buy sunflower seeds. #1  

Rat Rod Mac

Silver Member
Oct 22, 2006
Years ago I would buy wildlife packets from the state. In these packets were millet, corn, soybeans, etc, etc. One of the ingredients was Black Oil Sunflower seeds. These sunflowers only grew to about three or four foot tall with a head about five or six inches in diameter, but the bluebirds and gold finches went crazy over them. Since then the state has eliminated their seeding program, so I am trying to find a source for sunflower seeds. I tried the local grain elevator and was told to just buy a bag of bird feeder seeds and shift out the sunflower seeds and plant them. I'm not sold on that. The other day the wife and I happen to be in a store where I saw a bag of #1 Coarse Sunflower Chips. They were small seeds that did not look like the black sunflower seeds I'm used to seeing, but I got to thinking that maybe I could plant these seeds, but don't know if they are treated someway or if they would even grow into a sunflower plant with a head. Anyone ever try something like this or better yet does anyone know of a place were a guy could order enough sunflower seeds to plant about half an acre? Sure would appreciate a name or a phone number. Thanks for your help in advance.
   / Where to buy sunflower seeds. #3  
We get a few growing under our feeders every year. What I did was plant a few rows of what I like, let then grow and then hang and dry. Got a 5 gallon plus pail of seeds. Next year I planted those and had a nice big patch and more seeds than I could use. I just put the whole head out for the birds. It is a pain to seperate the seeds from the head though
   / Where to buy sunflower seeds. #4  
You can buy 40 or 50 pound bags of Black Oil Sunflower seeds at Menards or Rural King in there bird seed department. $15 - $20.
   / Where to buy sunflower seeds. #5  
I'm sure you can find a seed product like Pete 315 shows. Several in my family grow back sunflower and lots of it but not the seed type. Maybe you could ask them for a free bushel?? :thumbsup:
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   / Where to buy sunflower seeds.
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Thanks to all of you. I'll try your suggestions.
   / Where to buy sunflower seeds. #7  
I buy them in 40# bags all of the time at Tractor Supply. I also buy hen scratch (a mixture of small feed seed for chickens) and make a mixture of about 80% sunflower seeds to 20% chicken scratch to feed the birds. It seems to attract almost every kind of bird; seed eaters that is.
   / Where to buy sunflower seeds. #9  
We can buy bags of Grey striped or Black sunflower seeds at our produce. (for feeding birds etc)

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