What's your dog's name and how did you name it?

   / What's your dog's name and how did you name it? #61  
Ours is named BEAR as he is not a barker, but growls/grumbles and makes a noises just like a bear cub. The boy has done this since we first seen him, it will hold his tennis ball in his mouth and bark/growl and makes the funniest noise. Sounds like he had/has a trumpet mute stuck in his mouth lol... Best dang dog & one of top two I have had or been around. If he was much smarter he could probably speak English ;)

When i had back surgery (he was just 14months old) I would point at something and ask for it & he would bring it to me. Drop something he will pick it up and hand it back, has figured out if he wants undivided attention he will stomp on the remote to (change channels or turn TV off.) My Avatar pic is of him when this was going on, he was/is a pretty good nurse & would have been a GREAT Service dog.

When he wants out he picks up his collar and hands it to ya, puts his nose on the variety of treat he wants at the time etc... He has one major problem that is he only comes when HE wants too, kind of a Husky issue I'm guessing... Head/nose down tail wagging and chasing some hapless 4 legged critter or his mortal enemy Squirrels ! :D

One other FUN thing is he has to get mommie prior to getting what he wants & make her squeal (ya I taught him that one) he will hold her down and lick the tar out of her just cause he and I think it's funny as heck...:eek:


Spiker, what kind of dog is Bear? He's a handsome lil bugger.
   / What's your dog's name and how did you name it? #63  
Our Springer Spaniel was Baxter. He was always a loyal companion. Unfortunately after 14 years we had to put him to sleep in January BAXT 4.JPG .

Our Chocolate Lab is Remington. Although he only gets called that when he is getting into trouble. Normally it is just Remmi high five.JPG .

They were best friends BAXT 3.JPG