What's the general consensus here about the 4000 Twenty Series?

   / What's the general consensus here about the 4000 Twenty Series? #1  


Gold Member
Mar 28, 2008
Eastern CT
2021 Massey Ferguson 4707
I've done some research on them, but haven't bumped into anyone who actually has real-world experience with them. What do you guys think of them?

What's good? What's bad?

On paper they certainly look impressive.
   / What's the general consensus here about the 4000 Twenty Series? #2  
Got a new 4320 with FEL last November and now have about 45 hrs on it. Have used it mainly for snow removal and road maintenance, and will use it to run a rotary cutter in a couple of months. No problems or complaints to date. Awesome tractor.
   / What's the general consensus here about the 4000 Twenty Series? #3  
I had a 4520 which I sold to buy a smaller 3720. It was a really nice tractor. The PowerTech engines produce a lot of torque and really do so throughout the HP range. I loved mine, but could not justify owning it for no more than I did with it at the time. The Powertech's are louder than the 3000 series and on average use slightly more fuel. An excellent machine.

John M
   / What's the general consensus here about the 4000 Twenty Series? #4  
I have had a 4520 for two years now. 12/12 reverser transmission. I have 448 backhoe and 400CX with 4in1 bucket. Lots of power. In fact sometimes too much. While the 3pt is a CAT1 the tractor HP puts it in the CAT2 realm. I successfully destroyed two rear implements by pulling them apart.

For example of lifting cap look at my old posts where the fel is lifting a 2700 lb concrete culvert. It has a lot of torque and so far I have been unable to stall the engine, I lose traction first...even with chains.

Complaints: I really liked the clear fuel filter housing on my old 4300. Hydraulics leak down more than I like (they do meet Deeres spec). I liked the sight glass on the hydro fluid. Getting the dipstick out is a pain while the backhoe is on.
Hydraluics on the underside are too exposed. I popped up an old T post while brushing and put it through the hyd filter. Prior to this years brush project I am fabing a plate to cover. While the filter isn't cheap, it would have been much more expensive it it had tagged the piping. I would note that this issue isn't limited to the 4x20 or even JD's.

If I had to do it again, I would still buy the same thing.
   / What's the general consensus here about the 4000 Twenty Series? #5  
The 4000 Twenty Series is a winner. I bought a 4320 new in May 2005 and now have over 400 hours on it with no problems or complaints. I use it everyday as a ranch tractor for a wide variety of chores: box blading, post hole drilling, snow removal with rear blade (84") and FEL (400X), brush clearing (use the JD MX-6 rotary cutter), large square bale handling (1100#) with bale spears, material lifting with pallet forks, roto tilling (Howard 300), trailer towing (with ball hitch), etc., etc. I appreciate the compact size which enables me to maneuver inside tight corral and holding pen areas. Equally important I appreciate the high power and torque capabilities of this machine that does jobs others thought not possible with a compact tractor. I have loaded the rear R4's for additional weight and lifting stability (adds about 1000#'s ballast). The engine is US built by JD and easy to self-service. The engine is the same whether you have have the smallest HP up to the 57 HP Twenty Series model (HP difference is enabled by injector differences.) I think the 4000 Twenty Series provides great bang for the buck and I believe right now JD is offering a 0% interest for 36 month special incentive on these models.
   / What's the general consensus here about the 4000 Twenty Series? #6  
I'll agree with the general sentiment that you are getting from owners. Mine is a year-old 4520 with a little less than 180 hours on it. I use mine for hay mowing/raking, tilling, brush-hogging, dirt moving, woods-clearing and whatever else my wife wants done. I agree with the previous posts that they have plenty of power and are easy to work on.

The only downsides I've heard (and I agree with) are that they are noisier than most tractors this size and they are too expensive (ie, that costly green paint). I certainly have been very pleased with mine, and would definitely recommend the model to a friend.

You could potentially consider a 5103 or similiar model JD to save a little money and get a larger frame to-boot (although you lose 4WD). It wasn't an option for me as my wife uses the tractor as much or more than I do and essentially requires the eHydro transmission due to limited capabilities with her hands. In hindsite, I'm also glad I went with the 4520 now that I've done some log skidding while clearing the woods behind the house and pulled my pickup out of our goopy Texas mud a couple of times... :)

   / What's the general consensus here about the 4000 Twenty Series? #7  
I have 410 hours on mine and love it. You will run out of traction before power. I do not like the noise, the smaller tires, rear 3pt stablizer bars are light duty and the fact that my fuel gauge never works. My 400x picks up a 72" 4 in 1 bucket and my 3 pt hitch pickup a 5' Brown Tree cutter weighing 1650 lbs and the hydro handles it well.
I installed belly pan, FOPS and full forestry cage and would not change anything.
   / What's the general consensus here about the 4000 Twenty Series? #8  
I'm fairly new to JD...only 26 hours on a 4720, 400cx, 448BH. Very happy so far with overall operation...especially over the orange tractor I traded in for it. IMO, the powertech is not as loud to my ears as maybe some other users, but then again, I'm used to operating fire apparatus with large Detroits that are much louder. Also, my orange tractor had less HP so I was always throttled up and in low range to do the most basic of tasks, whereas the 4720 has enough torque to do similar tasks in lower RPM and in B range. Makes my work quicker going back and forth and imatch keeps my motor from stalling...very nice. It has been mentioned that the 3ph side stabilizer links are a bit thin...I agree...I bent one pushing my blade in reverse...easy fix though...flattened back into shape with a small sledge with 2 hits. No big deal. I have to remind myself that the 3ph is designed more for pulling than pushing. The hood is plastic and there are a few dimples on it where it is reinforced on the underside. I cannot comment on ease of service yet...not enough hours, but I am a satisfied customer. If you get one, get the 400cx loader. Also, if you get a BH, get the 448 w/HD bucket. It's a fast hoe, a little jerkyier than my old orange BH90, but strong and easier to mount/dismount. Green paint costs you upfront, but on the flip side, take care of your machine and it will hold it's resale value. My dealer told me for residential users, that a typical JD used for 10 years and cared for will have the same value as it's original sales price due to inflation, price increases, etc. I guess only time will tell on that. Lastly...I like all the JDs I've lookmed at...I also have a 2305...love it...and also like the 3x20s with the yanmars...think they are geat too.

Good luck...enjoy...and that 0% for 36 months is a smoking deal...especially in todays credit arena.
   / What's the general consensus here about the 4000 Twenty Series? #9  
I have had a 4120 powerereverser with 400X loader and loaded R1 tires for about 3 years. It has been 100% dependable without a breakdown of any kind. Use it mostly on a 6ft rotary mower which it easily handles without any bogging down in any field conditions I have encountered. I like the 6ft size because it covers the tractor's width yet fits into some tighter spots I need to mow. I have no complaints about the 400X loader, although I did get the heavy duty bucket (I heard the standard one bends easily). I made a simple fork attachment by bolting a couple pieces of heavy angle iron to the bottom of the bucket, and I am amazed at the logs I can lift with that setup. Never suffered from any lack of power and am happy I went with the smallest of the series rather than the pricier larger models. I have no desire or use for a cab or hydro trans (especially with $4.50/gal diesel), but if I did, I would have moved up to a 4520 or so to get the same power to the ground as my base model 4120 which has excellent fuel economy. This tractor is fairly loud at idle, but does not get much louder at PTO rpm. The old Ford 200 diesel I replaced with it was much louder at PTO rpm but quieter at idle probably because it was not turbocharged like the 4000 series JD's are. As far as price goes, with the big (3) at my local dealers, it was actually tied with NH (T?40) when I added a quick attach bucket (standard on the JD), and cheaper than the Kubota GL 4330, so much for the green paint costing more. I also liked the fact that I could get a made in USA tractor with an American engine for less than or equal to the cost of the foreign competition (I would have been willing to pay around $2000 extra for American power in this size model, but luckily there was no need to).
   / What's the general consensus here about the 4000 Twenty Series? #10  
After the Tornado in 2/5 this year my Kubota L3600 gst gave up with a bad clutch and the steering cylinder rod seperated from the casing after a series of repairs decided to change brands. so told wife needed newer tractor. Decided on a J.D. 4520 400X loader and brush cutter.
In a month over 50 hours of use think it is a good purchase.
Father started with a G-P steel whls. I then bought a "B" traded in on a 40T
with a Farmall H in between and now wonder why ever considered anything other than Green.

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