What is some of your Pet Peeve's

   / What is some of your Pet Peeve's #761  
I somehow missed this thread for months. I just found it. I read almost every post. One of my pet peeves is overly long posts. However, another pet peeve is several short posts in a row by the same author. Torn between two pet peeves, I decided to make one long post. I do apologize. I also know that some of these are repeats, but bear repeating. Also, note that I will likely offend everyone with one or more of my pet peeves. I do apologize for this as well. I mean no harm, I mean all this in all good fun, and to bolster the conversation. Here is my list:


Easily offended people.

People who listen with the intent of responding vs listening with the intent of listening.

Complaining to me about a problem, asking for my advice. Not taking my advice and continuing to complain about the problem.

People who like “coffee” or what I call “coffee flavored sugar milk.” Why is this on the list? My co-workers are always craving their morning “coffee” and will take enormous amounts of time from work to go get their fix. They think that because I do not like my coffee milked down and sugared up, (I take my drip coffee black, and bring it from home) that I prefer my coffee extremely strong and bold. They don’t like coffee, they like sugar milk.

Touching my projects. If I am working on something, leave me and it alone. Don’t touch my tools, my desk, workbench, or other messes.

General grammar skills. Seen vs saw. To, two, and too. Proper use of commas. Etc.

People who talk over someone in a conversation. My stepfather is bad about this. Mom and stepfather come over. Mom starts talking with wife, stepfather starts talking with me standing next to Mom… I cannot hear anything because too many voices in close proximity.

Judging my alcohol intake. I’m a home brewer. I like beer. I don’t drink that much and haven’t been drunk in a very long time. I haven’t had anything to drink in a few weeks. Get off me.

People who text or are otherwise on their phone when they should be paying attention to their primary task, such as walking or driving.

Smokers. Seriously? Why do people still smoke? I don’t want to smell your stink.

People who put a “t” on the end of words that do not have them: Acrosst, or bicept. There is no T at the end!

DO NOT DO MY LAUNDRY! I’ve been doing my own laundry since I was 8 years old. I got a laundry basket and a laundry lesson for my 8th birthday. I do my own. Please do not touch my laundry!

If you need a tool, take it, but put it back EXACTLY where you found it. Better yet just ask me and I will get it for you. I might even ask to help you with your project.

Mentally ill people who cannot figure out their own identity or gender who expect the rest of the world to bow to their way of thinking. I have no problem if you believe you’re a triggered indigenous nonbinary kitten who thinks I’m a white male devil. I will call you by what I perceive you to be.

People who judge me for using technology. I like smart technology. It helps me because I know how to use it and what it’s for. I know it’s spying on me. You’re judging me while playing on your phone, and is that the google chrome icon I see on your browser?


Electrical covers (outlets, switches, etc.) with the screws not vertically aligned.

Put the toilet seat/lid down! This goes for women too. Especially if it was down when you walked in, do not leave it up. It’s not hard. Oh, and wash your filthy hands.

Bad windshield wipers. They are not that expensive or difficult to replace. Most auto parts stores will even do it for you free of charge. There is no excuse for worn out wipers.

Pet Lovers. It’s fine if you love your pets. I’m talking about those who adore animals and think you should too. These are the people who have more photos of their cats and dogs than they do of friends and family. They judge you for “mistreating” your husky when you shave him in the summer. Or shame you for putting your dog down with a bullet vs paying someone else to do it for you, and/or hating you for not spending thousands on a 17-year-old Pug to extend her life another month.

People who cannot handle curse words. I grew up in a household that believed that the F word was the only curse word, and it was not allowed. Other “curse” words were fine, everyday English. If you get offended by my use of the English language, you live a sheltered life and that is your problem, not mine. You can get offended and storm away. The grownups are having an adult conversation here.

Those who complain about their pets sleeping with them. Either they take up the bed, snore, sleep on their face, poop on the floor, etc. How about kicking the pet out of the bedroom. “Oh, they’ll whine and whimper.” Then let them… or put them outside, or in the garage, or whatever. You created this problem by letting them in your room to begin with!

People complaining about why us Americans don’t use the metric system. Because we don’t. Get over it. Go bother England. They cannot figure out what system to use. They use miles, but use liters for gas, but calculate mpg.

Diehard sports fans. Guess what? There are people who don’t like sports, especially American Football (gasp!) and we don’t need to talk about it in every conversation. Let’s talk about something more intelligent.


People who cannot seem to find the accelerator when taking off from a green light. Don’t need to mash the throttle, but please go. Stop lollygagging.

People who have “I’m retired and nowhere to be” bumper stickers who drive 5 under the speed limit. That’s great that you’re retired, but please move out of my way.

Those who never signal. I get it, using your finger to flip a small lever on the side of your steering column is difficult. But please try to figure it out.

People who feel it is okay and acceptable to pull out in front of me and slow down.

Drinking and driving. No excuses.

Large, jacked up trucks with bright headlights. You’re cool and all, we get that, but please adjust your headlights down a bit. Thanks.

Every single loud exhaust. It doesn’t sound cool or good. It sounds stupid. No one needs to hear your junk.

Those who slam on the brakes at a yellow light. Stop watching the crosswalk counter!

Slow drivers. If you notice several cars backed up behind you, and there is no one in front of you, either speed up or pull over. I don’t care that you’re doing the limit.

Speeding up if I’m passing you. This is typically on the freeway as I pass you on the right because you’re lollygagging in the left lane and I’m tired of following you. You decided right then to actually speed up? Tool.

My turn signal is not a request. It is a premonition of things to come. If you close the gap or otherwise not let me in, either we will collide, or you will change your speed and let me in.

Pretty much every cyclist on the road. They need to follow the same rules as everyone else, but seldom do.

Veganism/vegetarianism. It’s okay that you want to live that way. I like meat. If you push your beliefs on me, you’re wrong.

People who constantly say umm or “k. So...” Short for “okay, so…” Queso is cheese. Umm is just annoying.

   / What is some of your Pet Peeve's #762  
Use of the word "super" in front of words. I believe this started about 7 years ago.
   / What is some of your Pet Peeve's #763  
... or people who can't seem to find the accelerator, in general. Folks that almost idle up to speed from a stoplight or stop sign. Use the pedal on the right, folks.
Probably because they (wrongfully) believe that they save gas that way.

Getting into top gear quickly does save gas, though.
   / What is some of your Pet Peeve's #764  
One of my pet peeves is when people still insist on giving me turn-by-turn directions, as if we're living in the 18th century, rather than just the effing coordinates to trick out a glitch in GPS mapping. I don't care that much about where anyone lives, to go back to that.

Dude, it's 2023. It's time to embrace the 1990's technology. :ROFLMAO:

I also lived on a road for which GPS often gave bad directions. I learned 20 years ago how to give the address in a format that would "fool" any GPS toward nailing it right.
I once contacted Google to correct an address & location on their map. It took several months but it got corrected.
   / What is some of your Pet Peeve's #765  
Use of the word "super" in front of words. I believe this started about 7 years ago.
Same with the overused word ‘literally’.
Add the to me irritating response ‘No problem’ instead of ’your welcome’. Hey buddy it’s your job to serve or help me, so no it shouldn’t be a problem for you. I was being a well raised polite customer.
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   / What is some of your Pet Peeve's #766  
My tractor won't start. Help!

Describe the symptoms.

It doesn't start!

What does it do when it doesn't start?

It just won't start!


Ten years ago I retired from repair business:
A few from customers after I ask what's wrong:
"It won't hit a lick"
"Won't do a Suzie"
"The doo-whop done whopped"
"Why ain't it workin?'"
My favorite is: "It ain't got no do right"
One guy said "it was working until the belt went" (he stuck his tongue out at me).
   / What is some of your Pet Peeve's #767  
This reminds me of another, smaller, peeve. Odd spelling of names.

La-a (Ladasha)
Dafydd (David)
Jaxon (Jackson)
XÆA-Xii (Elon's Child, not sure how to pronounce it)
Airwrecka (Erica)
Phalicia (Felicia)

... just to name a few.
   / What is some of your Pet Peeve's #768  
Dafydd is Welsh and I know a few.
The other ones you have are pretty funny
   / What is some of your Pet Peeve's #770  

Female (pronounced Fem-ah-lee)