What did you do to or on your Mahindra today?

   / What did you do to or on your Mahindra today? #241  
Tree top broke off and landed on fence. Grappled the tree top off the fence, lowered railroad ties into post holes to rebuild the corner, stretched wire with comealong hooked to grapple, used grapple to hold up latch end of gate and rehung gate.

   / What did you do to or on your Mahindra today? #242  
Me and my little 1526 wacking down a double trunk tree leaning towards my power lines. First one has a strap on it, the second a chain. Had to get the big guy out with the forks to lift the trunk on the first one when I got my 60' cable stuck under it..... Lunch time, time to wait for the big storms.... [ second picture is how I get them to fall the way I want them to, I just change which way is down.... :) ]


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   / What did you do to or on your Mahindra today? #243  
Put a few days in after work getting a rear ballast fabbed up with mostly left over metal i had from other projects. Plan to have a tool box holder, few pvc holes for tools/shovels/rake and maybe a chainsaw holder. And a little work space. To be continued.. IMG_1674.JPGIMG_1685.JPGIMG_1687.JPGIMG_1690.JPGIMG_1700.JPGIMG_1702.JPG
   / What did you do to or on your Mahindra today? #244  
1526 assigned to snow ops this morning. 16-18"... Deep enough that you put your Herman Survivors on with your jeans pulled down over the top of them. Don't even try to wear your normal pack boots. Deep enough you get to fight with the screen door to get it open. Even had my big guy out a couple times to yank me out with the hoe/chain. Next winter I will have chains on her. My 2555 has the chipper on it and the 78" blower is sitting on it's cart detached. Don't think I will be cutting any more wood today...... :)


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   / What did you do to or on your Mahindra today? #245  
Spread 800 lbs of fertilizer on my 10 acres of grass. Took about 90 minutes with my PTO broadcast spreader. Thing throws seed / fertilizer 30-40' wide depending on RPM.
84* here today. Beautiful. Supposed to rain all day tomorrow, so I wanted to get the fertilizer down so mother nature could water it in...
   / What did you do to or on your Mahindra today? #246  
Just moved a little snow away from the barn doors today. The 3550 is running well. Last week I had my neighbor put three additions on my bucket. IMG_3893.JPG
1/2” plate underneath.IMG_3892.JPG Weld-on grab hooks are very nice to have.
   / What did you do to or on your Mahindra today? #247  
Over the weekend: Moved 20yds of fill dirt for a client. Had to create a small path down a slope for travel. I thought I was over the cold but was just about spent while hand shoveling the last bucket full off the driveway.

   / What did you do to or on your Mahindra today? #248  
I put a piranha toothbar on my 2638 bucket today. Works great, it pulls the root balls out in some cases. Much better than just the stock bucket.
   / What did you do to or on your Mahindra today?
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Pretty busy Sunday with the 2538.

Saturday I managed to run out of fuel.

I was getting fuel to the filter, but nothing to the pump.

Opened the bleeder, but nothing happened. SO I decided to presurize the fuel system. Took off the filler cap, opened the pump bleeder, and blew into the fuel tank. Sure enough, fuel starts coming out of the bleeder, and 30 seconds later, vroom!

Used grapple to clear away a bunch of root balls, boulders and tree trunks.

Picked p a 250 Gallon tank and pump from CL, used the forks to pick that up and place in location.

Then raked about an acre of land I had cleared. Made nice furrows, but my land is so rocky, new rocks pop up constantly. SO spent a good deal of time hand raking.

Finished the day by getting rid of some crap I had accumulated, and final prepping the new parking area, 2 loads of stone being delivered today to put down there and for the replacement out building.

That acre is going to take a long while to get done. I figured a weekend or two. More like a month or two.
   / What did you do to or on your Mahindra today? #250  
Looked at it, because the junk is broken!!