We've had enough of television programming.

   / We've had enough of television programming. #101  
Been at my current home for 14.5 years now and I've never had cable or satellite TV here. The only thing I've ever gotten was cable internet, which permitted streaming video and a VOIP phone line.

Had both streaming and DVD Netflix for a while, dropped the streaming side a few years ago -- but got it back through my new wife's account when she moved in last spring, can't say that I really missed it though. Kept the DVD side of the Netflix subscription since the catalog of movies is much larger there (lots of the older movies available there).

Occasionally watch some Amazon Prime streaming, or some of the other free services, but on the whole not having the "easy"/addicting option of endless & mindless television has been okay with me ... much rather watch a movie or play a non-online PC game (most of which are also relatively old), or even reading a book.

So not having any sort of television, and minimal streaming has likely kept me from spending lots of money on that, but instead spend it on physical hobbies (and tools, firearms, implements, etc.). I did however, take the time early on to set up a projector-based home theater (still the only practical way to get much larger screen sizes ...e.g. 110") which is hooked to a computer & bluray player (through a receiver & speakers for sound).

Have found it's far more enjoyable to watch a movie on a "big" screen without having to deal with sticky floors, or people who just can't/won't be quiet in a movie theater - and being able to eat whatever I have/want and be attired as I wish has an added plus.

Occasionally see some television while on travel...and it generally tends to reaffirm my decision not to have it in any form (cable/satellite/broadcast) - of course my current set up also allows me to avoid movie theaters (and their costs) as well....
   / We've had enough of television programming.
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When we first gave up satellite TV, we actually ran out of things to do. We were so caught up in mindless TV shows, excessive commercials and variable sound levels that the break from that left us time to do all the things we never had time to do. It is so much better now since the monkey is off our back. The TV show producers must think we are all idiots.

I just finished waxing my truck and I feel wonderful driving it all clean and shiny. It's not a chore, I just like a nice truck but never had the time to even clean it. I regularly sharpen my pocket knife now and my tractors are way up to snuff on maintenance. The magazine articles I used to set aside to read now get read. I wasted my time watching TV shows that didn't matter one way or the other.

I would like the time I spent on TV back.
   / We've had enough of television programming. #103  
Such a waste. Any of the shows I want to watch are still in reruns. I don't give a darn about all of the Walking Dead and the spin-offs. Or the reality shows or who is sleeping with who ............

The only thing new - the commercials. And on an hour long show - the commercials seem to be longer than the actual show.
   / We've had enough of television programming. #104  
In 2005 I bought my first new television set; an "assembled in USA" Samsung. 4 years later everything went digital and that TV has been in my shed ever since; there's no way I will pay for the drivel which passes for programming.
I visit my 84 YO mother and watch shows with her which she never would have wasted time on when she was more active; what is the attraction of Dr Phil? She has 100 channels but after watching her game shows at night has a hard time finding anything to watch; although the last time I was down there she'd found a public television station which seems to have decent programming.
   / We've had enough of television programming. #105  
Such a waste. Any of the shows I want to watch are still in reruns. I don't give a darn about all of the Walking Dead and the spin-offs. Or the reality shows or who is sleeping with who ............

The only thing new - the commercials. And on an hour long show - the commercials seem to be longer than the actual show.
Rarely if ever watched tv in my 20s thru 50s, but as I've gotten older I do some, mostly something to do in the evening. Daytime tv is a wasteland, and I'm not about to pay for any of the subscription channels but we do have a Roku and there's some interesting free stuff there. Even some of the reality shows aren't too bad, kind of like the Amazing Race and Storage Wars is kind of entertaining in small doses. Portlandia is kind of fun in where it pokes fun at the whole west coast ultra PC lifestyle.
Someone here once mentioned the Pluto channel. Unlike most streaming channels, this one is not on demand...it's like regular tv where you see what's running at the time, but there's a lot to choose from.

Commercials, yeah that's the price you pay for "free" programming. I wouldn't mind quite so much but it seems like it's just the same half dozen ones that run every break.
   / We've had enough of television programming. #106  
I had DirectV - Then ATT bought them. Price went to $185. I called to cancel them. Well, we can get you the same service for $130. OK, let's try that. 3 months later, $180. Called to cancel. They ask "how much do you want to save. I said $180, cancel it.

Now I use Tablo for air tv. Tablo does not require an antenna wire to each tv. Just one to the Tablo unit. It then broadcast it's own wifi stream to all tvs in the house. I think it costs about $50. Then if you want a 2 week tv guide, there is a onetime lifetime fee of $150. It is good. Connect a SSD (solid State Harddrive) to it and you can record any program on the tv guide. And, if you get tired of commercials, for $20 a month, it will skip commercials when you record a program. I use that and netflix. $50 + $150 tv guide = #200 setup cost. Commercial skip ($20) and Netflix (15) - $35 monthly fee.

I discovered when I had Directv, there were only 6 channels we watched. I can get those channels on Sling if I want them.
   / We've had enough of television programming. #107  
I could understand commercials when the signal was coming via airwaves. When paying over 100$/month for the privelege of watching though, I find it ridiculous that up to 30% of that programming is commercials.
   / We've had enough of television programming. #108  
I could understand commercials when the signal was coming via airwaves. When paying over 100$/month for the privelege of watching though, I find it ridiculous that up to 30% of that programming is commercials.
I would estimate the time of commercials Is closer to 45%. More if they are including Medicare Commercials.

Many years ago, when satellite tv began, (provlin dish) there were 2 bands. And all was free. Then it was HBO that began charging with the promise that was because it was "Commercial Free." They are the first, and I will never and have never paid a dime to them. In most 30 minute shows, I would be not surprised if almost 1/2 is commericals.
   / We've had enough of television programming. #109  
I would estimate the time of commercials Is closer to 45%. More if they are including Medicare Commercials.

Many years ago, when satellite tv began, (provlin dish) there were 2 bands. And all was free. Then it was HBO that began charging with the promise that was because it was "Commercial Free." They are the first, and I will never and have never paid a dime to them. In most 30 minute shows, I would be not surprised if almost 1/2 is commericals.
Well you would be wrong. In a 30 minute show there are 6-7 minutes of commercials. In a 60 minute show it is 16-18 minutes.
   / We've had enough of television programming. #110  
I could understand commercials when the signal was coming via airwaves. When paying over 100$/month for the privelege of watching though, I find it ridiculous that up to 30% of that programming is commercials.
What frosts me is the additional fees on cable packages. We have the very basic cable package from Spectrum...mostly OTA channels from Portland, Me. plus a handful of cable channels we never watch (CSPAN, a couple shopping channels and a me-tv like channel. Then they tack on a "broadcast tv surcharge" that's almost as much as the cable package itself! On a package where if you took out the broadcast channels you'd have almost nothing. What exactly am I paying for? (I asked the lady at the office once and got a total non-answer).