Walking Death Backwards by changing way of Eating, Moving and Thinking.

   / Walking Death Backwards by changing way of Eating, Moving and Thinking. #1  

Gale Hawkins

Super Star Member
Sep 20, 2009
Murray, KY
1948 Allis Chambers Model B 1976 265 MF / 1983 JD 310B Backhoe / 1966 Ford 3000 Diesel / 1980 3600 Diesel
Starting at my low point mid 2014 at the age of 63 I have been hitting the books as to how to recover my health. It had gotten to the point to get into the seat on the tractor and backhoe was not really worth the effort. The kids were helping me in and especially out of the car. The doctors wanted me to start on some risky meds for pain manage. On a hunch I cut out all added sugar and all forms of all grains. After a hellish two weeks it started working. In just 30 days my years of pain in the 7-8 range was down to just 2-3 which was like NO pain to me. After 800+ hours of reading research and the kids on me to start a blog I did it last week. Nothing fancy but I hope this beta version becomes the foundation for a book when I retire at 70. I am not into magic so I went to looking for the science behind the things that were working for me. If you will take a look and post a comment I would appreciate your help.

   / Walking Death Backwards by changing way of Eating, Moving and Thinking. #2  
Sounds like you've found something that works. Great going!
   / Walking Death Backwards by changing way of Eating, Moving and Thinking. #3  
My slowly increasing trauma is arthritis. Practicing Yoga in a Yoga studio group session twice per week has greatly improved my balance, flexibility and core strength at age 69-2/3 years. I bicycle eight miles one other day per week.
   / Walking Death Backwards by changing way of Eating, Moving and Thinking. #4  
I love sweets but sugar makes my joints hurt. In my case my wife and I tried the Whole 30 diet with great results. Amazing what changing your diet can do. Almost as amazing is what has sugar in it. Try buying something as simple as salad dressing with no sugar.

As for commenting on your site, it looks like you need some sort of log-in to do it.
   / Walking Death Backwards by changing way of Eating, Moving and Thinking. #5  
Leukemia and associated sepsis wiped me out. Barely survived. Now I pretty much eat and drink whatever I want just because I am alive to do it! I do acknowledge that my behavior is bad and needs to change. I'm very susceptible to just lounge about all the time, but it is clear that the more active I try to be, the better I feel and am.
   / Walking Death Backwards by changing way of Eating, Moving and Thinking. #6  
My granny always preached about avoiding the three evil white foods, white rice, white sugar, and white flour. She was right. :thumbsup:

I hate to think what she would say about high fructose corn syrup. :shocked::D:D:D

We were in Piggly Wiggly the other day and I saw those little red hot sausages I used to eat as a kid. They had about six different brands. I look at the ingredients and each brand was using high fructose corn syrup. :thumbdown::thumbdown::thumbdown:

We have been to China and Scotland/Ireland and on both trips we lost 10 pounds even though we were eating quite a bit. We think it was because we were eating less processed foods, ie, less of the evil white foods. We ate very little rice in China believe it or not. We had noodles quite a bit but I think it was made with a whole grain, not white flour. The food on the flight from the US to Heathrow was full of evil white carbs. The flight back out of Dublin had some evil white carbs but much less and far more protein and fat.

It is very hard to avoid the evil white foods and high fructose corn syrup in the US. HFC seems to be in everything... :thumbdown::thumbdown::thumbdown:

   / Walking Death Backwards by changing way of Eating, Moving and Thinking. #7  
The food manufacturers gotta put in the high fructose corn syrup and other sugars. How else are they going to get a nation of insulin dependent diabetics?
   / Walking Death Backwards by changing way of Eating, Moving and Thinking. #8  
wheat / grain, milk, sugar, cherries, tomatoes... i am allergic to. (digestive tract allergic to), forget about any proccessed sliced meats, or any fast food stuff. anything oilly i need to stay away from. adding on pinnapple does not set well with my stomach.

potatoes, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, peanuts (plain), pork, beef, fish, mushrooms, apple juice, apples, oranges, strawberries, black berries. bananas, peas, green beans, lettuce, shrimp. has been my diet for last couple years.

have tried to get off diet just a little bit. and ended up regretting it. one little mistake messing around trying different foods and removing them. kicked me in the rear. in finding out what was the issue. i want a pizza darn nab it! no spices, no sauces, no dips. just water, tiniest bit of oil to keep from sticking when cooking.

248lbs heaviest, and down to 178 lbs. if i have any sort of salt for a couple days, i end up loosing weight. *feels like he has a screw loose stating that*
   / Walking Death Backwards by changing way of Eating, Moving and Thinking. #9  
wheat / grain, milk, sugar, cherries, tomatoes... i am allergic to. (digestive tract allergic to), forget about any proccessed sliced meats, or any fast food stuff. anything oilly i need to stay away from. adding on pinnapple does not set well with my stomach.

potatoes, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, peanuts (plain), pork, beef, fish, mushrooms, apple juice, apples, oranges, strawberries, black berries. bananas, peas, green beans, lettuce, shrimp. has been my diet for last couple years.

have tried to get off diet just a little bit. and ended up regretting it. one little mistake messing around trying different foods and removing them. kicked me in the rear. in finding out what was the issue. i want a pizza darn nab it! no spices, no sauces, no dips. just water, tiniest bit of oil to keep from sticking when cooking.

248lbs heaviest, and down to 178 lbs. if i have any sort of salt for a couple days, i end up loosing weight. *feels like he has a screw loose stating that*

Not to make fun of your situation, but I guess a can or two of Pringles Potato chips is out of the question. My favourite chips.
   / Walking Death Backwards by changing way of Eating, Moving and Thinking. #10  
have tried to get off diet just a little bit. and ended up regretting it. one little mistake messing around trying different foods and removing them. kicked me in the rear...

My wife has issues with certain foods. Wheat products is a biggy for her and if she eats something with wheat she has pain. She had some pizza a few weeks ago and it was not good. This is something new that has popped up and she never had this issue before. She does not get run to the bathroom sick, but pain and stiff joints.

A few years ago a TBNer reported having a meat allergy that developed after being bitten by a tick. I wonder if a tick bite has caused this with the wifey. I never heard of a meat allergy before the TBNer mentioned it but I have read quite a few references since then.
