Virus hoax

   / Virus hoax #1  


Super Star Member
Aug 16, 2001
Southern Wisconsin, USA
JD_4x2_Gator, JD_4300, JD_425, JD_455 AWS, added JD_455, JD_110, JD_X485(sold)
Recently someone sent me an e-mail apologizing for sending me a virus, and explaining to me how I should search for a *.exe file in Windows, and if finding it, deleting it. I did a search on the net, and found out this was a hoax and thought TBN folks would like a 'heads up' just in case your friends were alerting you with the hoax. This is the message.
<font color=red>
I am very sorry to tell you that I was sent a virus and it was probably passed on to you. I thought this was false but I checked and it was there. Below are SIMPLE instructions to remove it. Sent to me by my ex-husband....

Note: If you find the virus, you must contact all the people in your address book so they can remove it from their computer/address books. I, and those who inadvertently pass this virus on, apologize for any inconvenience.

I just received an email message from a colleague about a computer virus that was passed to me and possibly everyone in my Address Book whether I've sent you a recent email message or not. It did, in fact, infect my computer. I have checked for, found it, and deleted it. I'm notifying you so you can check for and delete it from your computer.

The virus (called jdbgmgr.exe) is not detected by Norton or McAfee anti-virus systems. The virus sits quietly for 14 days before damaging the system. It's sent automatically to everyone in the Address Book, whether or not you've sent emails to your contacts. Here's how to check for the virus and get rid of it.

1. Go to Start, Find or Search option

2. In the files/folders option, type the name jdbgmgr.exe

3. Be sure you search your C: drive

4. Click "Find Now" or "Search"

5. The virus has a teddy bear icon with the file name jdbgmgr.exe


6. Right click and delete it. It will then go to the Recycle Bin

7. Go to the Recycle Bin and delete it there as well

Note: If you find the virus, you must contact all the people in your address book so they can remove it from their computer/address books. I, and those who inadvertently pass this virus on, apologize for any inconvenience. <font color=black>

You can check it out, but it apparently is not real.
   / Virus hoax #2  
This one makes the rounds every so often. Whenever I get a virus warning I check the Symantec Web site -- just copy the name of the virus or "infected" file and use the search functionality -- and have yet to return zero hits. I'm sure the other anti-virus sites have similar services.

   / Virus hoax #3  
What is that file and what happens if you delete?
   / Virus hoax
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The file name is <font color=blue>jdbgmgr.exe<font color=black>

Do a google or yahoo search (or go to Symented) on that file and you will find more information about it. You do not need to delete it from Windows.
   / Virus hoax #5  
I received a message like that about a year ago. I searched and the file WAS ON MY COMPUTER!!! So I deleted it. Turns out it was a perfectly good Windows file that I ended up having to expand off the Windows CD. What an idiot!!!
   / Virus hoax #6  
You can read more about this hoax, and do a search and you will likely find if it is legit or just another silly hoax like this one.

p.s. the sarc stands for Symantec Antivirus Research Center and it is one of the better sources for virus info on the web IMHO
   / Virus hoax #7  
Yep got that twice today myself.

A real pain in the *** getting these. Mine came from my accountant. You'd think he had the brains to check out if it was real or not before passing it on.

SARC is the best site for me and always seems to have the info.

   / Virus hoax #8  
Here is the site that I always use. <A target="_blank" HREF=>viruses&hoaxes</A>
I always check these things out and 'reply to all' with the info. I still get them from friends and family. /w3tcompact/icons/hmm.gif
   / Virus hoax #9  
I got the same e-mail two days ago, and like some of the other guys, I always go to SARC first when I get one of those "warnings" and at least 90% of them are hoaxes.
   / Virus hoax #10  
Good site Byu. In the last couple of weeks, I have had numerous attempts to place a w32/Klez worm in both home and office. It is a meanie!. I post these senders in an effort to help anyone else avoid getting it: .

Sender Subject Date Part Number 163874 05-13-2002 A IE 6.0 patch 05-12-2002 Powering Auctions on the Web! 05-09-2002 (!Premium) document.write(linkx) 05-08-2002 Honey 05-07-2002 2 1 05-02-2002

Beware!, the idiots are out there.