Up a creek without the proverbial paddle

   / Up a creek without the proverbial paddle #1  


Super Member
Aug 29, 2005
Mt Washington, Kentucky
Where do I begin.....
Ever seen it flood on a hilltop? If you were here now, you could answer that with a firm YES. 8" of rain last night from 6PM 'till 6AM. 5" since then, with the "heavy stuff" still on the way. There is water in places I've never seen it around here. We've got a creek that runs through the back of our property that's normally a couple feet deep. It's raging whitewater right now. Further downstream, it's a major flood problem. A few very expensive homes threatened. (Floyds Fork Creek.... Runs through Valhalla Golf Club, site of a couple PGA Championships. Just a few miles from here)

Just out in the shop a few minutes ago. I have a police scanner going there. (Yes, I'm a redneck) I heard police requesting a swift water rescue team to a local mall parking lot to rescue stranded shoppers in a Toys-R-Us parking lot.
   / Up a creek without the proverbial paddle #2  
We were a bit North of some of the wrost of this series of storms but we still got hammered pretty good. Nothing like what we had back in November of 2005 but it was still uite a bit, total since yesterday about this time is about 4"-5".

My sister lives in IL a bit North of Paducah, Ky and she said they got a bunch too. Stuck to the computer and radar for the last day I can say she got quite a bit more than us.
   / Up a creek without the proverbial paddle #3  
Are you saying you got 13" total that day? Man, that is dangerous and floods are a certainty. There's not enough time for the earth to absorb that much, so it's definitely going to become run-off. Keep an eye on your creek back there. I've seen where enough run-off or flash flood like they say out here, that debris is collected and could stuff up the creek and divert water towards you? Hope you're on high ground and OK.
Do you get to play Valhalla at all? That is some golf course (from tv)
   / Up a creek without the proverbial paddle
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3RRL said:
Are you saying you got 13" total that day? Man, that is dangerous and floods are a certainty. There's not enough time for the earth to absorb that much, so it's definitely going to become run-off. Keep an eye on your creek back there. I've seen where enough run-off or flash flood like they say out here, that debris is collected and could stuff up the creek and divert water towards you? Hope you're on high ground and OK.
Do you get to play Valhalla at all? That is some golf course (from tv)

So far, since the rains started, we've had almost 15". 8" was in one steady rainfall. It's quit for now, and we're supposedly through the worst, but any rain in the next few days will be more than we can handle at this point. We're only 25 miles from the Ohio River, but it takes a few days for water to reach it from here.At the hardest part of the downpour last night, my driveway had about an inch of water standing on it. Now that wouldn't be so unusual if it were flat, but we're talking about a drive that has 18" slope per every 10'. It was just raining that hard.

If it floods at our house, there's 3 counties in dire straights. Our house sits on a hilltop that's the highest point for 10 miles in any direction. Creek is about 75 feet lower than the house, and it runs downhill fast. At one point, it was up in the trees a good 25 feet out of its banks. (That was around 8AM)

I've played Valhalla 4 times. Greens Super (Mark Wilson) is an old friend. We hook up and play somewhere a couple times a year. Mark and I had the pleasure of playing a round at Valhalla with "The Golden Bear" (Who designed the course) back a few years. He's well beyond his prime and STILL whooped my keister. (But then, so does everyone else who's ever picked up a club)
   / Up a creek without the proverbial paddle #5  
We're in far west KY & picked up right at 14" of rain from last Thur to Sunday morning - with 9" on Sat. All creeks were over their banks but are receeding now. Our place is on one of the highest ground in the county so we had no problems but others were not so lucky. No more drought but kind of hard on the farmers trying to shell corn & beans.
   / Up a creek without the proverbial paddle #6  
I think we got about 6' of rain out of that mess. Thankfully most of it missed us.
Still lots of local flooding and such. And yes for a time the road in front of my house on the ridge was flooded, but it did not last long. Amazingly my waterproofing job in my basement worked :) Just had a bit come in under one door, have to work on the outside drainage for that.
Went to Lowes Saturday morning and they had already sold out of sump pumps....I did not need one, just picked up on that fact.

   / Up a creek without the proverbial paddle
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slowrev said:
I think we got about 6' of rain out of that mess. Thankfully most of it missed us.
Still lots of local flooding and such. And yes for a time the road in front of my house on the ridge was flooded, but it did not last long. Amazingly my waterproofing job in my basement worked :) Just had a bit come in under one door, have to work on the outside drainage for that.
Went to Lowes Saturday morning and they had already sold out of sump pumps....I did not need one, just picked up on that fact.


Local Home Depot and Lowes stores sold out of pumps early Sunday morning.

There were 8 fatalities in the state due to flooding. On I-65, a van was swept off the highway and into a ditch. A father and his 1 year old daughter were drowned.

On the way in to work this morning, I couldn't help but notice all the furniture and rolled up carpet sitting along side the road waiting for trash pick-up.

Only damage of any sort I had was a 4" limb broke out of a silver maple tree in the front yard. There was strong wind at the height of the storm saturday night.
   / Up a creek without the proverbial paddle #8  
Last week we had a new chip road, after waiting years to get it. This week it is a washed out mess just like before it was done. All of the low water bridges were dangerous for several days. My winter wheat won't get planted this fall, as it will be November before it is dry enough to get the tractor in. Anything not harvested now may not get harvested. I can't believe mature soy beans would still be on the plants.
   / Up a creek without the proverbial paddle #9  
So that's where all our rain has gone!!!
   / Up a creek without the proverbial paddle
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RedRocker said:
So that's where all our rain has gone!!!

2 years ago, we had the wettest year on record here. That was with the longest recorded continual stretch WITHOUT rain for this area, 67 days in July/August/Sept.

Last year was average, with a dry Aug/Sept and little rain/snow in the cold months.

This year has been slightly above average with no prolonged dry spells. In fact, it was rare to go over a week without rain. September is normally a relatively dry month here. We had nearly double the monthly average in a 36 hour stretch.

Rain/thunderstorms in the forcast for this thursday.

You need rain? Send large SASE. Or a bucket.