Transmission Fluid location?

   / Transmission Fluid location? #1  


New member
May 29, 2018
Montana 4540
I have a light on the dash of my 4540 that is a "gear symbol" and my owner's manual labeled it "Transmission". Thinking it needs fluid, I have looked for the opening but can't find one, and the owner's book is no help. Does anyone know where the transmission fluid case would be? Or if the symbol is telling me something else? I'm at a loss what to do. Thank you.
   / Transmission Fluid location? #2  
Cowgirl - I don't mean to be a turd but something just isn't right here. You don't know where the transmission on your tractor is located and, on top of that, your owners manual doesn't show where to fill it. I have absolutely no idea about the "gear symbol" on your dash.

Ok - the center of your transmission is at the center of your rear wheels. The transmission fill hole is most likely behind and directly below the drivers seat. The fill hole will probably be the size of a quarter - has a plastic or metal screw in plug -will have a transmission fluid dip stick attached to the bottom/inside of the screw in plug. It might even by labeled "Hydraulic" or something similar.

You know - perhaps the best idea is to go to your local Montana tractor dealer and have him show you where to check the transmission fluid level. You are going to have to purchase more tranny fluid and the dealer knows what type you will need.
   / Transmission Fluid location? #3  

Ive got a 2005 5740C and I believe your transmission fluid add point and check points are in the same place as mine. First of all, they ARE NOT located in the exact same areas. On my tractor I have a front end loader and all the hydraulic hookups in the back for a back hoe attachment etc. All hydraulics are connected to one hydraulic fluid reservoir, if you will, including your transmission, power steering, front end loader, etc.

Directly behind my drivers seat, on the outside of the back window is an aluminum tube coming up to about the bottom of that back window. That aluminum tube has what looks like a black rubber sink stopper sticking in the top of it. Out of that black rubber stopper top is a small aluminum tube about a couple inches long and it attaches to a clear plastic tube of the same diameter. Pull out that black stopper and that's where you put in any new, additional hydraulic fluid in my 5740C.

Now, go down to just about your back axel and look for a dipstick handle. Its usually covered with dirt and grass on mine. Clean off dirt and grass completely and using that dipstick, check your hydraulic fluid, thus your transmission et al fluid on mine. Hope this helps. BTW, my dipstick is on the right side of the rear, above the axel and transmission. Need any more help, just ask,
   / Transmission Fluid location? #4  
I have a light on the dash of my 4540 that is a "gear symbol" and my owner's manual labeled it "Transmission". Thinking it needs fluid, I have looked for the opening but can't find one, and the owner's book is no help. Does anyone know where the transmission fluid case would be? Or if the symbol is telling me something else? I'm at a loss what to do. Thank you.
I think that "gear symbol" might be your PTO signal light showing that the PTO is engaged. It is usually denoted as a gear looking symbol. I don't know of many tractors that have a transmission/hydraulic low level light on them. They almost all have a dipstick to check fluid levels
   / Transmission Fluid location? #5  
A little late responding but this might help others. My 3940 HST does have a gear symbol for the transmission fluid (I think it is a gear with arrows pointing at it). I have seen it come on at extreme cold temperatures; I suspect that it is activated by a pressure (negative pressure) switch by the tranny filter. That would warn you if the pump is not being fed enough, either low fluid (doubt it), really cold fluid, or your filter is blocked. On my tractor I later discovered a hidden filter under an access panel under the center of the tractor. Change that filter!

My tranny fill is at the back of the tractor, white pull handle with a dipstick.