Tractors and wood! Show your pics

   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #23,442  
Speaking of forests, wife wants to move.
No longer wants to live in the woods. She’s Tired of driving an hour to get milk. Told her I’d learn to drink the coffee black if it helps. It didn’t.
She picked out a house closer to the shoreline.
I’m going from over a hundred acre wood land to a 2 acre ash filled property.
Haven’t quite processed this alteration except making my wife happy. Would die for her of course but the wood chuck in me is in a flumox.
What’s a beach bum do for recreation? (And don’t tell me to go in the water).
You have 100+ acres... buy her a cow!
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #23,443  
Anybody "near the beach" that you can visit for a week so she can see first hand what traffic and being around crowds is really like?

Writing this while visiting our daughter in NEW JERSEY. Unfortunately, we lived around these uncivilized people 17 years too long (meaning New Jerseyians, not my daughter)...and can hardly wait to get back home...back to the country and real people!
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #23,444  
the chainsaw chipper works pretty good, I got about 100 post skinned so far. plus I’ve been multitasking my dad started plowing for me.


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   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #23,445  
the chainsaw chipper works pretty good, I got about 100 post skinned so far. plus I’ve been multitasking my dad started plowing for me.
What do you have?

Also, how did you get your dog to operate it?
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #23,448  
What do you have?

Also, how did you get your dog to operate it?
Probably with those little white flags they use to train dog boundaries.
They’re very versatile.
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #23,449  
Anybody "near the beach" that you can visit for a week so she can see first hand what traffic and being around crowds is really like?

Writing this while visiting our daughter in NEW JERSEY. Unfortunately, we lived around these uncivilized people 17 years too long (meaning New Jerseyians, not my daughter)...and can hardly wait to get back home...back to the country and real people!
Funny, I was driving thru Penn just this past week.
Bought milk just to demonstrate what a real long milk run was like.
She wasn’t impressed.