Tractor Shortages

   / Tractor Shortages #243  
I always foot the bill... it is what it is...
Well sure, you got the big gun collection, all the toys, F-150 Lightening, mini ex, 2 50-100 acre farms, big “high quality” commercial contractor. It’s easy for you, right?
How about a poor person who needs a gun to protect their family?
Just make them pay the $500/ yr?
Easy for you, very hard for them.

Getting the picture now for poorer independent truckers paying for random tests who deliver all your stuff?
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   / Tractor Shortages #244  
Expected reply….
I man up each and every day, RickB…. I didn’t cut and run from my career
Is that supposed to be a dig at me because I happen to be able to retire? Or did I misunderstand? Because that would be a pretty ignorant thing to criticize someone for.
   / Tractor Shortages #245  
Well sure, you got the big gun collection, all the toys, F-150 Lightening, mini ex, 2 farms. It’s easy for you.
How about a poor person who needs a gun to protect their family?
Just make them pay the $500/ yr?
You should write a book, on... what you don't know about me
   / Tractor Shortages #246  
Is that supposed to be a dig at me because I happen to have accumulated enough resources to be able to retire? Or did I misunderstand? Because that would be a pretty ignorant thing to criticize someone for.
Watch out for the rabbit hole...
   / Tractor Shortages #247  
Sounds like you’re looking for the taxpayer to support you via a government bailout.

Maybe find a different career?

Great point... Are governmental mandates such as this for safety or for $$. You can play on either side of the fence, but in reality it's for both. The only problem is that the government wants to make a profit of required Safety mandates and that's where everything goes awry.

It may come to the point that if every trucker opted for another career we might be paying much much more for everything.

We may have to make a fundamental paradigm shift in the way we either consume or manufacture the items we consume to be JIT+AL (Just in time and Location) - That is manufacturing at point of use - or as close to it as is possible to mitigate the transportation issue altogether.
   / Tractor Shortages #248  
And we didn’t even explore the insidious relationship between the folks mandating for the drug testing and the hospital system used to do all the testing. Like they’re not making a fortune off randomly testing truckers. ;)
   / Tractor Shortages #249  
Everyone wants the government involved even though they never fix anything. They only seem to make everything more expensive.

Guess more expensive is some folks idea of better.