Took a hydraulic fluid shower this afternoon...

   / Took a hydraulic fluid shower this afternoon... #1  


Silver Member
Mar 28, 2010
Chester County, PA
JD ##@)
This may be very common but could not find any threads speaking to this and being a tractor newbie this was quite an experience. I was trying to lift a log and all of a sudden I heard a hissing sound and was instantly covered in hydraulic fluid. The rubber hydraulic line which controls one of the dump cylindars has a rather large whole in it.

Few Questions:
1) Is this common? Tractor has just shy of 200 hours on it. As someone with very little experience with tractors this was quite a shock!

2) Was this something I could have caused? Had been lifting logs for chainsawing all afternoon. Had been using a set of forks attached to the bucket and thus the logs hang kind of far from the loader arms. Could not seem to lift the log with the bucket (no forks at that moment) and then fluid everywhere.

3) Can I drive the tractor? Will i do any damage as it is HST? I had to move it a short distance and when I raised the loader to move the tractor (the bucket just hangs down) more fluid dumps out.

4) Kind of a silly question but what is the best way to wash the fluid off. The tractor is literally dripping with fluid.

5) Can I just go to a local store (not even sure which one but there must be something in the area that does hydraulic hoses) or am I better just ordering the part from JD. I think it is part 16 on the 300cx loader hydraulics diagram?

This site has been wonderful for someone with no tractor experience. - Thank You
   / Took a hydraulic fluid shower this afternoon...
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Figured I would add some pictures - not very exciting but know you all like pictures. Probably difficult to tell but the hood is a slippery mess of hydraulic fluid


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   / Took a hydraulic fluid shower this afternoon... #3  
1) Common ?, no, occasionally ?, yes.

2) No, not unless you knew it was rubbing on something where it blew, then it's neglect.

3) As long as it isn't to low on fluid, yes.

4) I like "Simple Green" or a solution of "Dawn" dish washer soap. Basically, anything that will cut the grease/oil and not harm what your using it on.
Also helps if you can get hot water in that mix/rinse.

5) Any place that does hoses will work or JD$ themselves. Best remove it first to get a correct length match.
   / Took a hydraulic fluid shower this afternoon... #4  
1. No, it's not very common.
2. Possibly, if the line was caught on something, or had a tear in the cover from being snagged.
3. Yes, you can drive it. you propably only lost very little fluid, just don't operate the curl function.
4. Simple Green, Fantastic, 409, or any other cleaner that cut's oil.
5. You can take the old hose to any local hydraulic shop (if they have the fittings, I think they are ORB's) so they can match it up-or order it from JD.
   / Took a hydraulic fluid shower this afternoon... #5  
If you are "new"and do not know it hydraulic oil can be very dangerous when under pressure. Many people when confronted with a small pinhole leak will pass their hand over it. You know just kind of checking it out. WRONG the oil will be injected into your skin. This happens and you have no choice but to get to a hospital for treatment. Cardboard or something like it should be held up to check for a possible leak. Your leak was large but a face full of hot oil could have been serious. Sometimes it is amazing anybody survives the learning curve.
   / Took a hydraulic fluid shower this afternoon... #6  
Take the hose back to Deere dealer, and have them check it for a defect. They also might be able to tell if it was positioned wrong and pinched or something dropped on it (hopefully not a log :) ).

Sorry that you have been baptized in hyd. oil. I wouldn't want the mess either.
   / Took a hydraulic fluid shower this afternoon... #7  
My Dad was a Fork Truck man when I was growing up, so I spent alot of time working on and around Fork Trucks. As a result, I have been thoroughly wetted down with hydraulic oil quite a few times. It won't hurt you as long as you are not very close to a concentrated leak as warned about above.

You just have to shower off and find a way to wash your clothes without wrecking the little ladies washing machine.

As far as the hose goes, if it's not under warranty just find a hydraulic hose shop in your area and take them the hose. They can make up a new one for minimal cost.

Good luck with it
   / Took a hydraulic fluid shower this afternoon... #8  
My 300cx loader has a black mesh over the lines. I think this is a safety net? I have heard this fluid is very dangerous if it get in you body as mentined above. I read the warnings one rainy afternoon.
   / Took a hydraulic fluid shower this afternoon...
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Thank You for the responses. The tractor is headed in for its 200 hour service tomorrow (at least good timing) so I will have the hose examined and replaced. I bought the tractor used about 20 hours ago so not exactly sure but I couldn't see any visible damage to the loader hydraulics and it has worked fine to this point (I have been very pleased with the power of the loader). I basically let her sit today and will get her washed up before tomorrow's trip.

Definately makes you think about safety - had glasses and my chainsaw chaps on so i was basically protected (at least the washing maching is safe) but even more-so, i have kind of taken the tractor for granted holding up some fairly heavy trees that I was sawing - had it gone then could have been a real problem for my legs...I will certainly be more careful in the future for sure.
   / Took a hydraulic fluid shower this afternoon... #10  
I think you know enough now to check all the hoses?
The last time I had a serious hose failure the landing gear didn't come down.
I was killed in the crash. :laughing::laughing: