Throwing Trees with the FEL and Backhoe

   / Throwing Trees with the FEL and Backhoe #11  
Gathering wood and working in the woods is tremendously enjoyable but there are many factors to consider to keep it safe. The following link is to a free Fallers' and Buckers' Handbook (a .pdf file) from the BC Workers Compensation Board. Work/WCB fallers_buckers.pdf

I would have posted the file but it is over the 1MB limit.

It has a lot more information than most of us need, but the section on falling and bucking is good reading. It outlines dangers that aren't always obvious. e.g.
- when using a rope or cable to direct the fall over-tensioning can be dangerous.
- have a good escape route, plus an alternate escape route for when the tree doesn't fall in the direction planned.
- examine where the tree will fall for potential rocks, stumps, small mounds, etc, that might redirect the butt
- etc, etc, etc

Have fun and be safe.:)
   / Throwing Trees with the FEL and Backhoe #12  
The other day I had to cut a good size tree that had blew over from wind back in the spring. I wanted it for a log but that thing started popping/spliting before I sawed very deep and I actually had the loader under it lifting on the upper part of the tree.

I had rather take down 10 upright trees as ONE out by the roots. The stump always stands back up on me. I was cutting with only one hand on the saw and standing back as far as I could at the end just in case it released so it could jerk the saw out of my hand and not hit me in the head when it went flying. Dad almost lost a hand when I was young from a kicking tree.

Start from the top and limb it and block it down bit by bit. Much less energy in it that way. At some point it will want to stand back up, but the less tree trying to do that the better... I agree those are tougher than they may appear.

Smaller trees can be pushed by hand or easily with wedges. Trees up to 6-8" dia that aren't leaning too badly the wrong way, I often push by hand to get them going the right way. Especially if they are pretty balanced and just don't want to fall. Wedges are your friend for insurance or just brute force to move it where you need it to go...not that it always works...
   / Throwing Trees with the FEL and Backhoe
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Start from the top and limb it and block it down bit by bit. Much less energy in it that way. At some point it will want to stand back up, but the less tree trying to do that the better... I agree those are tougher than they may appear.

Smaller trees can be pushed by hand or easily with wedges. Trees up to 6-8" dia that aren't leaning too badly the wrong way, I often push by hand to get them going the right way. Especially if they are pretty balanced and just don't want to fall. Wedges are your friend for insurance or just brute force to move it where you need it to go...not that it always works...

I was in a hurray to gain access to the box blade. :D

Actually the top was still about 12 feet off the gound. The ROPS was the only thing that would not still go under the tree since it went down more after some rains. It had been at a 45 degree angle all summer.

Not sure what the 20" oak log would have brought it hauled off but it is is out of the way now. :thumbsup:
   / Throwing Trees with the FEL and Backhoe #14  
If you have not been shown properly how to climb and cut I would not do it. There are easier ways to get a tree to fall where you want it. and you can do it from a ladder with a rope and pulley if you are not sure, climbing with a saw for the untrained is a sure way to get a quick visit to the ER, as I got the scar to prove it, and decided climbing wasn't for me anymore.
   / Throwing Trees with the FEL and Backhoe #15  
Some of the trees in my yard,

The first pic is a 36"+ white oak with a 20" hickory tied together at the roots, This was on my neighbors property, but fell in a drainage channel I maintain so I cut out the hickory. Wasn't sure what was gonna happen but nothing moved on this one. That long red oak about 20+" you can see how the whole root/stump stood back up in the hole. Got a nice log out of it but cut it in half anyway, just for firewood. maybe I should of saved it. not sure what if anything it would be worth. 20feet/20inch red oak



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