The Upside of the 2020 Pandemic.

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   / The Upside of the 2020 Pandemic. #1  

Gale Hawkins

Super Member
Sep 20, 2009
Murray, KY
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   / The Upside of the 2020 Pandemic.
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   / The Upside of the 2020 Pandemic. #3  
Except for being able to go out and enjoy a fine dinner, I wouldn't have even known there was a pandemic

I have been business as usual
   / The Upside of the 2020 Pandemic. #4  
Except for being able to go out and enjoy a fine dinner, I wouldn't have even known there was a pandemic

I have been business as usual

Me too. As long as I stay on the farm, which I can and do for many days at a time, it's like nothing has changed. However, when I go out for supplies or groceries or most importantly, beer, it's like a zombie world out there. I did go to Costco a couple of weeks ago, and although it took 40 minutes to get in, once inside it was the most pleasant trip ever. Limiting the numbers in the store resulted in absolutely no trouble moving around.
   / The Upside of the 2020 Pandemic. #5  
Yes - this self quarantine has had very little affect on me here. Into my pickup - go on a nice trip - stop and gas back up - home. I call it - mobile quarantine. The only folks I see are in their vehicles also. One of these days I'll be able to get a hamburger with fries. I can wait.
   / The Upside of the 2020 Pandemic. #6  
I still have to work the same hours with the same people, so not much has changed. Wife is doing more on-line shopping, and curb-side pick-ups, which I get on my way home from work sometimes. But cows, horses, goats, etc still need fed... fence still needs built... farm life goes on, right? Doubt we'll be taking a vacation this summer, but will survive that, save up for next year.
   / The Upside of the 2020 Pandemic. #7  
Mostly we think of ourselves.

There are MILLIONS of people living without running water. What are they going to do without fossil fuel energy?

Die is the answer to that question....

Sorry, but "pollution" has led to a dramatic increase in both longevity and quality of life for Billions of people. We must lift our gaze
   / The Upside of the 2020 Pandemic.
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It seems to get back to Location, Location and Location.

We were in Memphis when I was in grad school and my wife had a fine position as a staff pharmacist. That was back when all the earthquake talk was going on and we were driving back 150 miles to see family every other weekend after I got out of school. We had no kids at that time. After some talking we decided the money in Memphis is not worth being trapped there in a crises so we bought a 40 year old house and gutted it and went back with new plumbing, wiring, insulation and windows at we did ourselves. Her brother hung the drywall and after it was finished we painted it out and moved in April 1987.

Tracking what has been going on indicates to me there are no real facts out there yet about the pandemic. The farmers are running wide open when it is not rain and most plants are essential businesses just like there was no pandemic underway.

Both of our parents were on farms during the Great Depression and the country finally recovered from it. I expect the same thing will happen again.

It is hard to see the silver lining today but it has driven home the fact things can change quickly and it pays to be prepared. In time the silver lining may become more visible. :)
   / The Upside of the 2020 Pandemic.
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Mostly we think of ourselves.

There are MILLIONS of people living without running water. What are they going to do without fossil fuel energy?

Die is the answer to that question....

Sorry, but "pollution" has led to a dramatic increase in both longevity and quality of life for Billions of people. We must lift our gaze

So true. I was reading the story of a guy I think was in Africa. He was telling what the pandemic was doing to his family. They had nothing as in no food and lived in a shack. He said if he could not get out of his house and work there was only one option and that was for him and his family to starve to death. There were no safety nets under him.

Yes I am the guardian of a 76 year old guy that can not speak and never went to school and suffers from COPD who I was able to get into a nice assisted living center after his mom died 25 years ago. Last Saturday the first resident tested positive for COVID. I can not go in to see him and I know he is at high risk. I am concerned because everyday my wife is working in the same building where COVID-19 patients are being treated.

Starving to death with my family is not a concern and we would not starve to death for 90 days at least. I read the other day there was going to one million die from the lack of good food and water in Africa and that was pre pandemic. Another guy who farmed with hand tools said the locust had eaten all of his grain so he did not know what they were going to do while I have been setting around and gained 10 pounds.

Yes mostly we think of ourselves.
   / The Upside of the 2020 Pandemic.
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I still have to work the same hours with the same people, so not much has changed. Wife is doing more on-line shopping, and curb-side pick-ups, which I get on my way home from work sometimes. But cows, horses, goats, etc still need fed... fence still needs built... farm life goes on, right? Doubt we'll be taking a vacation this summer, but will survive that, save up for next year.

The theme of these post seem to be like, 'I had a life before the virus and it continues after the virus appeared'.

It is like some people listen to the news and just give up and sit down and wait of the virus to take them out. Thinking that way and staying inside all of the time wrecks one's immune system.

Actually I grew up with animals and spent many hours in the tobacco patch walking behind our mule, milking cows by hand and the other stuff common on small farms in the 50's-60's. It was last summer when I had to get back in contact with animals when the wife got knocked down by a young filly that one of the mini horse mares was chasing. The daughter was working summer camp on KY Lake ran by the KY Fish and Wildlife Dept then after that she went to Germany for the fall semester. Doctors put three screws in the wife's broken hip and on full bed rest of 6 weeks. That all turned out well.

So for the first time in 50 years I was feeding and scooping poop for 6 100+ pound dogs and six mini horses and a young filly that was going to be a full size horse. Because of my physical limitations due a life time of arthritis (ankylosing spondylitis) I knew it was going to be a challenge for me but I knew I hold things together so the daughter did not have to worry because she had a full plate and excited about life and that the wife needed to do the bed rest if the broken hip was going to repair itself.

I grew up hearing preachers talk about dumb animals and man had dominion over all of creation. Soon I realized most of the 'dumb animals' had two legs and could talk. The animals could have had their way with me but they did not. Of course I was around and helped get in the hay and stuff so they knew me but soon I realized the animals understood my limitations and was glad that I was there for them. It just took me 69 years to open my eyes I guess.

Truly I look forward to life when some of my high school friends have or are giving up on life. There is a lot to be learned about ourselves and others from this 2020 pandemic.

It saddens me with so many needs world wide it seems educated men can only bicker and act like they all knowing when man is not in control of the virus but the other way around.

With that said a few weeks ago I realized most doctors in the medical community were just guessing because that was about all they could do since there was not proven protocol to handle a new unknown virus.

Having relearned last summer that the animals that had never been to school could figure out which end was up really is helping me to think more like an animal and try to side step the "emotionalism" of educated men every where we look today.

Since the kids are 22 and moving forward with life I expect that impacts my thinking about their future more than my future. While I am concerned about events I am not concerned about them because I have pushed them hard to think for themselves and I know they are good to go.

The world is operating under FEAR today. For the most part I see FEAR as standing for False Evidence Appearing Real. The only way I know for the world to get past FEAR is to get back out living life and learning our way forward in a new reality that men do not know it all or are in control of it all.
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