The run of bad luck continues

   / The run of bad luck continues #11  
I dunno, LC, I've got a gal not very different from that.

She can manage to bulls-eye every curb, speed-bump, pothole, and obvious obstruction in her path like a pro.

It must be female thing?....;)
   / The run of bad luck continues #12  
I feel for you.

On the wife issue.. it's a no win situation.

I have a collection of 16' tube gates in the back pasture.. must be 4 of them now.. I use them as cattle panels... now that I've straightened them after the wife backed her yukon into them about once every 2 months.. making neat pretzles out of them..

I made the mistake about making a big deal out of it after the 4th gate so then she stays way away from the gate.. and scrapes the side of the side view mirror on the latching post side of the open gate. breaking mirror... no problem.. it matches the other side that she also broke hitting some part of the fence or gate... I see our wives learned to drive at the same place!! While I'm not the least bit sexist or chauvenistic ( spelling?).. I think when it comes to certain things.. it takes ba-- er.. gonads... to do it.. And that mostly covers things like looking in a rearview mirrow while backing a trailer .. I think most men get that as a side 'course' when learning to run the 'grill' in 'man school'.. (grin)


LoneCowboy said:
The wife takes the little tractor (03 MF 1433) out to finish off the chipper yard story below.
I get a call from the wife
"tractor is broke"
"also I broke a tree :confused: and i hit the fence and broke a rail"

   / The run of bad luck continues #13  
When my daughter was learning to drive, I would get in the truck with her and she would want to drive to grandma's house. We had 15 acres, us on one end and granny on the other. I would make her back up the whole way using her mirrors. She hated it (then), but now she is quite capable of backing.
   / The run of bad luck continues #14  
Estrogen and/or lack thereof can do strange things to mental status, mood, and behavior. I finally came to that conclusion after living with the same woman for over 30 years and working around 9 years in a female psychiatric admisssion unit :eek:. I am convinced that we are not the stronger sex :confused: whatever we may tell ourselves :(, but we do not appear to be overly influenced by cyclical imbalances of hormones :cool:. I will say this- males have more brain cells than females, but female brain cells are have more connections and are not influenced by testosterone. We have seen evidence of testosterone poisoning here on TBN on occassion :D. Jay
   / The run of bad luck continues #15  
cp1969 said:
"Where in the H is the front half of the car?!?!?"
"Oh, that happened a LONG time ago."

After 36 years, you get used to all your stuff getting destroyed. Including the anvil. Nothing is safe.

Funny, thanks for the smile, had a few boiling-blood-simmer-bite tongue- moments myself.
   / The run of bad luck continues #16  
Just sounds like a normal work day!!:D :D :D

Paper clip instead of switch??:D :D
   / The run of bad luck continues #17  
cp1969 said:
To be fair, she's had accomplices--daughters.

BTDT, raised 2. Bought many fenders.

The up side was my son had to grow up in a household with 3 women. He knew going in, what he was in store for when he got married. He knows all too well what happens when you speak your mind. And like me, he knows why houses need multiple bathrooms. (One for each female, plus one more)

I grew up with a firey temper.

My mom and dad couldn't break it.

Army put it in check, but didn't break my spirit.

Wife and 2 daughters later, I have no temper any longer. They laughed at me when I got mad. :(
   / The run of bad luck continues #18  
You just can't yell at women - they don't understand why you're yelling at them (because they know what they did) so you are doing it just to be mean. There's no sense in even talking about some things.

At least LC has a wife that will work. Mine just looks at the tractor and laughs at me. She has no interest in it - something I am incapable of understanding...
   / The run of bad luck continues #19  
This thread makes me want to bring my wife some flowers!! Just because
   / The run of bad luck continues #20  
I guess I should also add LC, that EVERY time (I swear) I chastise, or say something like, "don't run the tractor out of diesel".............

I do it.

If you look at the back of our mowing truck, the bumper now looks like a W where both sides had been hit by the dump trailer being jacknifed. Soon as I voiced my displeausure about the state of it, and I got in the truck to back into my driveway, I found that the neighbor had moved their mailbox and it now stuck into the road..........

I now have a one yard scratch over the front fender and then up onto the hood,,,,,,,,,,,, Yep, with the wife that I did chastised about the bumper standing there watching..

If you want it bad, wait till you hire employee's to run the business.

When my wife, had my 11 year old (now) son, we had hired help. My wife mowed till the day she delivered..... I told the nurse she needed to speed up that pitossin (sp) drip, so she could go finish the yards, she had only done 7 that day and there were 3 left :)

Anyway, you want to wreak havoc on machinery, let the hired help operate it. It all but put us out of business. The breaking point was when they backed over and removed 50' of 4' high chainlink fence.... "diddn't you notice!" employee,,, well, I was watching the road......... So I go out and replace the fence. The next week they backed over the new fence I had just put up, yep all 50 feet.

My wife and I often work together about as well as fire and gasoline, but all in all I am real thankful that I have a wife and kids that will pitch in.

Sometimes for me, when I get in a slump or run of badness, I try and break away for at least a bit to get a different perspective on things. Go look at that thread I put on related topics about a different perspective, and see if you want to trade places :)

Good luck LC, and ain't it cool that we have this resourse to share our trials and tribulations as we go along.

I think Sandman (think that is right) said it best, it is not serious, because it only takes money to fix it.

Found out last night a close freind of mine bit the dust earlier this week out in the NW. He was living his dream of being a Crop Duster and paid the price of flying low and slow. Now that is serious.

Tractor & Equipment Auctions

John Deere 1610 Chisel Plow (A33041)
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6 Yard steel end load dumpster, used w/ normal wear & tear (A33073)
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6 Yard steel end load dumpster, used w/ normal wear & tear (A33073)
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4958 348 JOHN DEERE SQ BALER W/540 PTO & HITCH (A33686)
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