The bubble of 2020 ?

   / The bubble of 2020 ? #3  
I think a major part of something being a 'bubble' is no one knows or thinks of it as being a 'bubble'. It also has to be speculative in nature... wealth to be created out of 'nothing'. Alternative energy has been around long enough for people to know it is still more expensive than conventional energy systems. Before a bubble could form there would need to be some paradigm shift like cold fusion, 90% efficient solar cells etc. to get people excited and literally throwing money at it.

Not to say that there won't be millions or billions invested in alternative energies that may or may not pan out. Just not sure it will be a 'bubble'.

Right now the next bubble to burst is likely gold. Highly speculative and it 'just keeps going up' kinda like the housing and tech thought processes. Tech had the 'excitement' and 'something from nothing' aspects. Changes in lending fueled speculation in housing and fueled a 'something from nothing' attitude towards investing in housing.
   / The bubble of 2020 ? #4  
I think a major part of something being a 'bubble' is no one knows or thinks of it as being a 'bubble'. It also has to be speculative in nature... wealth to be created out of 'nothing'. Alternative energy has been around long enough for people to know it is still more expensive than conventional energy systems. Before a bubble could form there would need to be some paradigm shift like cold fusion, 90% efficient solar cells etc. to get people excited and literally throwing money at it.

Not to say that there won't be millions or billions invested in alternative energies that may or may not pan out. Just not sure it will be a 'bubble'.

Right now the next bubble to burst is likely gold. Highly speculative and it 'just keeps going up' kinda like the housing and tech thought processes. Tech had the 'excitement' and 'something from nothing' aspects. Changes in lending fueled speculation in housing and fueled a 'something from nothing' attitude towards investing in housing.

I saw a bit on the news the other day that they now have gold bar vending machines in the middle east...they take credit cards or cash and dispense small gold bars...they said they were coming to the US soon.

Now that reminded me of when Joe Kennedy sold all his stock shortly before the market crash of 1929 and someone asked him why he was so smart to sell...He said > " Well when the shoe shine boy shinning my shoes gave me a stock tip ...I knew the market was oversold and so I sold all I had "

So I agree with you on Gold...the bubble will burst and many folks will lose a lot of money...If time get really will be land...real estate that becomes valuable, seeds to plant, food, can't eat gold...and you can't exchange it for food when food is scarce...
   / The bubble of 2020 ? #6  
I saw a bit on the news the other day that they now have gold bar vending machines in the middle east...they take credit cards or cash and dispense small gold bars...they said they were coming to the US soon.

Now that reminded me of when Joe Kennedy sold all his stock shortly before the market crash of 1929 and someone asked him why he was so smart to sell...He said > " Well when the shoe shine boy shinning my shoes gave me a stock tip ...I knew the market was oversold and so I sold all I had "

So I agree with you on Gold...the bubble will burst and many folks will lose a lot of money...If time get really will be land...real estate that becomes valuable, seeds to plant, food, can't eat gold...and you can't exchange it for food when food is scarce...

Well at least the machines give out actual gold... not just a piece of paper saying you own gold. If you can't trade gold for food you certainly can't trade little pieces of paper for food :confused2:
   / The bubble of 2020 ? #7  
The U.S. economy is a bubble economy -- going from bubble to crash to the next mania -- and the new bubble is likely to be clean energy, says Wall Street insider Eric Janszen in the cover story of the February Harper's.
We've seen two bubbles, internet and housing, within a decade...

The biggest problem I see with this theory is that at the time (bubble burst)the "internet" was only about 6-7 years old...a great deal of new investors had flooded the stock market with the availability of easy to use brokerage (account) interfaces...In 5 years Wall St. saw the biggest influx of "new money" enter the market and they seized the opportunity to take a great deal of that money away from novice investors...

The housing/real estate market collapse is/was/should have been one of the most predictable ever...

Those that have invested in gold futures will suffer much more than those investing in tangible gold...I really don't see (tangible) gold investors selling off in order to convert it to US dollars...any time soon...

In order to sell (tangible) gold someone else will have to be buying it...i.e., guys like george soros who is most likely going to do everything he possibly can to scare investors into selling (him) their gold...

...If you can't trade gold for food you certainly can't trade little pieces of paper for food...

gold can also be made into firearm projectiles (bullets)
   / The bubble of 2020 ? #8  
Well at least the machines give out actual gold... not just a piece of paper saying you own gold. If you can't trade gold for food you certainly can't trade little pieces of paper for food :confused2:

The next big bubble will be bonds. With inflation growing and interest rates suppressed at near 0 or very low, the national debt at a staggering level and growing and no end in sight. At 14,000 I got out of the market, warned others to do the same and I was told that Im nuts. Predicted 10,000 and nuts again. Predicted 6,000 nuts again.
Be very, very careful where you put your money. I would buy discounted muni bonds.
   / The bubble of 2020 ? #9  
I think a major part of something being a 'bubble' is no one knows or thinks of it as being a 'bubble'. It also has to be speculative in nature... wealth to be created out of 'nothing'. Alternative energy has been around long enough for people to know it is still more expensive than conventional energy systems. Before a bubble could form there would need to be some paradigm shift like cold fusion, 90% efficient solar cells etc. to get people excited and literally throwing money at it.

Not to say that there won't be millions or billions invested in alternative energies that may or may not pan out. Just not sure it will be a 'bubble'.

Right now the next bubble to burst is likely gold. Highly speculative and it 'just keeps going up' kinda like the housing and tech thought processes. Tech had the 'excitement' and 'something from nothing' aspects. Changes in lending fueled speculation in housing and fueled a 'something from nothing' attitude towards investing in housing.

Bubbles have to have leverage - lots of cheap borrowed money. I think the alternative energy industry does not have that going for it. Bonds are another story - lots of bond funds are leveraged. Gold will eventually drop as a investment when the economy improves.
   / The bubble of 2020 ? #10  
Bubbles have to have leverage - lots of cheap borrowed money. I think the alternative energy industry does not have that going for it. Bonds are another story - lots of bond funds are leveraged. Gold will eventually drop as a investment when the economy improves.

The economy improve ..........HAHAHAHAHAHA !

This economy will be with us for another 10 years minimum, and we haven't seen the worst yet, wait until crime explodes like Argentina.

Best advise is to GET OUT OF DEBT, and stay there.:D