Texas Spring/Summer Thread

   / Texas Spring/Summer Thread #1,841  
I have been welcoming hurricanes for two years now. I no longer think it odd to do so. This will make the third year, but so far no luck.
hugs, Brandi

bindian; When folks your way are wanting a hurricane, you know the drought is BAD.
   / Texas Spring/Summer Thread #1,842  
Looky outside! 59* Whoot!! (probably froze at Jims house:laughing:)

Dont know why I'm up this early , one of those nights you just dont sleep well. I will pay for it today, have a 30 min job, then on to look at one in Cleburne. It's even worse when you normally work at night.grrr
   / Texas Spring/Summer Thread #1,843  
On the way home from Austin yesterday a herd of cattle was trying to cross Hwy 290, I called 911 to report the livestock on the road. The Travis County dispatcher answered: "911, is your emergency for fire ambulance or police." I answered: "Cowboy". She was not amused.

Hey, they need more options!
   / Texas Spring/Summer Thread #1,844  
Don that is funny:laughing: But at least you got a "real" person, wonder if they will ever "outsource" 911?:laughing: Or maybe she wants the cowboys for herself:stirthepot::D
   / Texas Spring/Summer Thread #1,845  
Wow ... Just read the last several pages .. Sounds like a lot of good weather and good gardens. Some of you know we usually have a large garden .. Not this yr, Cheryl had her c- spine surgery they removed 4 disc, bone grafting, a plate and 8 screws .. She is doing well and feels like a new person ... I contacted the Rocky Mt Spotted Tick Fever ... What a sob ... 3rd round of antibiotics.

We too have had cool evenings and really nice days ... Over 12 inches of rain all the ponds are overflowing ... I did put out some liquid 42-0-0 with weed master last week ... First time in years I left ruts in some spots ... Sure is nice to have all that moisture in the ground... Later.
   / Texas Spring/Summer Thread #1,846  
My-oh-my, blueriver, your plate has been loaded with a huge helpin' of bad luck lately. Rocky Moutain spotted fever is a tough disease. I had my favorite English teacher in high school get it from being bitten by a tick on vacation in Arkansas. It was a long struggle for her. I hope you and your wife continue to improve.

While some are kidding me about my rain (you KNOW who you are. . .;)) I have not had close to the normal amount for this area. It's just that recently I had one good rain. Down in the deep gullies, the sediment is a foot deep and water is seeping out of the surrounding hillsides to keep it wet. It looks like dry sand on top, but it is pudge below. Lou is talking about his normal rainfall being 60" per year and I'd be thrilled to get half that on a regular basis. Unfortunately, those of us in this area have been rain starved for a year or more. The rains and flooding around Oklahoma City and San Antonio are definite flukes, but painful nonetheless. For me, May has been a kind month after late freezes and large hail earlier in the year.

Dennis and FG19: Do you cage your pepper plants? I've had lots of problems with my pepper plants being snapped off in the wind and I've even had many pepper plants grow 4' tall. I cage mine like tomatoes to protect them.
   / Texas Spring/Summer Thread #1,847  
Glad to hear your wife feels better, especially after a risky surgery! The back is no place to mess with and easily taken for granted...I know:D

Why would you go and get RMSF? Where you feeling "left out"? :laughing: Or was that the price ofr an overabundance of rain? if so, where can I get me some RMSF:D

Seriously, hope the meds work for ya:thumbsup:
   / Texas Spring/Summer Thread #1,848  
Jim, I haven't had to cage my peppers (yet), the straw has been doing an excellent job boosting them up, but I have never had any to 4'!! I have seen them caged allot though.

I dont know who would "kid" you about your rain Jim:laughing: With the "Hose array" and deep well, you have plenty of "rain". BTW, if you know a nice friendly neighbor that owns a TLB, I bet they'd thin out that "muck" for little to nuth'n:laughing:
   / Texas Spring/Summer Thread #1,849  
Dennis, here are some photos of my pepper plants in late 2009 (November). This was right at the end of the season before frost. The plants were so tall they were falling over on themselves. That year I had so many banana peppers that I could not give them away. All the plants weren't 4' tall, but several of them were.


   / Texas Spring/Summer Thread #1,850  
Daaaum Jimmy!!!:laughing: You side dress with steroids????? Sure you didn't accidentally plant a fruit tree?????

Oh later I was going to ask you about your "drip irrigation". Texas John started a thread on it in lawn and Garden I am watching to, but I dont want to get too elaborate. Just seems lie a PITA, but better way to water after adding the Spinosad I think.