Tell us something we don’t know.

   / Tell us something we don’t know. #4,491  
It also makes snow plowing up the hill in my driveway ineffective and painful.
Our Ford F-350 Super Duty w/ 7.3L Power Stroke Diesel gets tons of wheel hop no matter the weight in bed when we're plowing.
Install some ladder bars and set them on the tight side. Wheel hop is caused by the leaf springs curling up and storing energy under acceleration, only to loose that energy when the rear wheels loose traction. And then the cycle starts all over again. Ladder bars prevent the spring from curling up and storing the energy.

Or spend some money and install a 4 link rear suspension. That'll keep the rear wheels from winding up too.
   / Tell us something we don’t know. #4,492  
yeah, no problem with paper in jar with metal lid 20 years underground. it'll be fine....

goes back 20 years and either tree cut down or 30 trees.. scratches head. starts digging.
Happened to my auntie- buried lots of old gold and silver in mason jars, lost the map, and dug for years trying to find them- died w/o having done so.

I always meant to go back there with a metal detector...
   / Tell us something we don’t know. #4,493  
The good stuff got buried by the "Big Cedar," which my wife knows the reference to. This pays for my final expenses and any interim expenses. If she dies first, I just dig it up and buy a Corvette. :)
   / Tell us something we don’t know. #4,494  
The inventor of the diesel engine, french born Rudolf Christian Karl Diesel, quickly became a millionaire, however, he invested in many failed projects, and soon was heavily in debt, and in 1913, committed suicide by jumping off a ferry in the English Channel, and drowning at the age of 55.
   / Tell us something we don’t know. #4,495  
Happened to my auntie- buried lots of old gold and silver in mason jars, lost the map, and dug for years trying to find them- died w/o having done so.

I always meant to go back there with a metal detector...
I've read a couple of books written by and/or about survivors of the Holocaust. One woman told of how their family hid some of their valuables under a bush by the house, before it was confiscated and given to another family. After we liberated the concentration camps she returned to try to recover them but somebody had found them.

It must have been awkward facing people who were once your friends or at least acquaintances, knowing they had willingly moved into the house which had been taken from you for no reason.
   / Tell us something we don’t know. #4,496  
So lucky growing up grandfather next door was a doctor. Every time brother & I got hurt he would patch us up. "Won't that leave a scar?" I asked as a kid. "Who're a boy...a girl would be different".
My wife has only two supplies for first aid. Peroxide and super glue.

We ain't going to the ER for stitches

If you were stupid enough to need stitches, you are sure gonna remember it when she super glues it shut
   / Tell us something we don’t know. #4,497  
I shot a 3" framing nail into my hand. Entered at my wrist and didn't come out. There was just a little bit of shank showing at the head so Wrapped my fingers around a stud and pulled it with my claw hammer. Kid working with me about puked. We went back to work. It was pretty sore the next day. Healed up just fine.
I got my thumb caught in a chain which crushed the nerves and severed a tendon at the knuckle.

Happened do to an inattentive loader operator trying to answer his cell phone.

Anyway, boss gets out there to drive my truck, trailer and equipment to the shop, while I take one of the shops pickups to the clinic to get patched up.

He had me sit in the cab of the truck while he bandaged up the wound. Before bandaging the wound he asked if it was broke.

I opened it up wide (you could see bone) and said "nope..... we're good!!!!"

At that precise moment, I saw my bosses face lose all color and start to turn green.

I jumped out of the truck and told him to take my seat. Well that triggered an argument because he wanted me to rest incase I passed out. I was fine. But after seeing all the color drain from his face, I knew he wasn't.

I told him "You need to take that seat!!! All the color just drained out of your face!!!!! If you pass out and land in that fire ant pile, I'm not going to be able to move you!!!! So... sit your a$$ down!!!!!".

As soon as he sat, he got really light headed and dizzy and realized I was right
   / Tell us something we don’t know. #4,498  
My dad was right handed. My mom left handed. Their 1st child is right handed. 2nd full ambidextrous. 3rd left. 4th right. 5th (me) 75% ambidextrous.

Made for an interesting seating pattern at the dinner table. ;)
Same here. Both of my parents were lefties (my mother somewhat ambidextrous). Of my siblings and I, 2 are ambidextrous, the other 2 righties.
I'm one of the ambidextrous ones. It's not like I can use either hand for everything, more like some things I do left-handed, others right-handed. My sister's the same way.
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   / Tell us something we don’t know. #4,499  
My youngest brother is a lefty. When he wanted to play baseball with us kids we told him he was standing on the wrong side of the plate and us kids insisted he hit righty like everybody else.
We we just ignorant snot nosed kids... but he became a deadly switch hitter (y)
   / Tell us something we don’t know. #4,500  
I can hold a pen in both hands, and write forward with my left and forward with my right at the same time.

Then I can hold a pen in both hands and write backwards with my left and backwards with my right at the same time.

Then I can write backwards with my left while writing forward with my right at the same timed away from each other.

Then I can write forward with my left and backwards with my right towards each other.

Then you hold the papers up to a mirror to make sure it's legible. It is.

The drunker the audience, the better the effect, because I'm a terrible hand writer either way! 🤣 But it freaks people out.

In reality, most people can do it because their non dominant hand will follow the dominant hand in mirror or reverse mirror motions pretty easily. It's just that most people have never tried it.

We did it a lot for art exercises. Like drawing circles in both directions over and over. All if my siblings but one can do it.