Tell us something we don’t know.

   / Tell us something we don’t know. #1,102  
Force is based on the square of the velocity. For example a car at 60 mph doesn’t have twice the energy of car going 30 mph but 4 times the energy.
and yet, you'd still only get there TWICE as fast :)
   / Tell us something we don’t know. #1,104  
And back before rural electrification, charged the 6 voldt car batteries powering the house radio.

   / Tell us something we don’t know. #1,105  
They tried to firebomb the Northwest, but the bombs weren't terribly effective. Although they were an early intercontinental weapon, they were rather crude, but rather creative. They were trying to set the northwestern forests on fire having heard about the large forest fires in the Pacific Northwest. It is an interesting bit of history, some of it here;

All the best,

There were acdtualcasualties in at leassdt one case. People came across one that had come down but not ignited. It apparently did when they disturbed it I can't recall the details but one at least death.
   / Tell us something we don’t know. #1,107  
My Grandpa and Dad hired German POW's to help with wheat harvest in Kansas mid to late forties. I wonder if some of the old timers still knew how to speak German, otherwise the language barrier might have presented some difficulties.

My Great Grandparents were among the first settlers in Colton Wa. Spoke German in the house, Their kids, my grandparents spoke English but used German with their parents. My parents could understand some of it but didn't really speak any. That was the line up all dduring WWII except for the forst generation who had already passed but not very long before.
   / Tell us something we don’t know. #1,108  
There were acdtualcasualties in at leassdt one case. People came across one that had come down but not ignited. It apparently did when they disturbed it I can't recall the details but one at least death.
Six deaths; it was a picnic and they all trooped over to look...
   / Tell us something we don’t know. #1,109  
Would be a great find today.

My Grandparents were the first with indoor flush toilet because it was really cold going outside in winter and chamber pots... well you know.

They did have a small creek behind the house 3 seasons of the year and a tiny water driven generator to power the farm radio...

Years ago I went to investigate and only saw the abutments...