Tell us something we don’t know.

   / Tell us something we don’t know. #872  
Human Life is a chemical reaction. We have formed lots of beliefs around it, because WE ARE the reactions taking place. We don't have an outside view, so of course it is perfect and near incomprehensible. We invent a God to explain this. We also make dividing lines of as to what life is. Is a rock alive? Do insects have consciousness?

I don't know if other humans have consciousness, cause sometimes they don't seem to act that way.

It is perfectly plausible, that I am the only thing in the universe that has consciousness. And the rest of EVERYTHING ELSE are just mechanical robots. A faith in science tells me that this isn't likely. And it works out over all, that I believe other people do have the same ability to feel that they exist. I believe in this, because it makes sense due to science. So going off and shooting a whole bunch of other people, is something I would never do. They have consciousness, just like I do. And that's why I mostly will not squish a bug, just because it is annoying. It has to be actively working against me as a threat, for me to extinguish its life.

To be an Atheist, is to embrace both the mundane and the extraordinary at the same time.

Some people just can't do that, and can't hold both concepts in their belief systems at the same time.

We are most likely the only, as we define it, sentient beings in this galaxy. And the other ones are too far away to ever have contact with.

We live in a special Local place. Where RNA and DNA developed independently and then some how worked together. The odds against this are numbers that are incomprehensible, yet had to happen given the probabilities across all the other seen galaxies.

Yet, here we are. In this vastness of no other life, what so ever, and still get mad at our neighbors, on this one planet we have, to go to war and such, develop atomic bombs and such, and let the idea of nationality prevail over mutual survival. As we are doing right now...
   / Tell us something we don’t know. #873  
So which came first. The chicken or the egg :eek:
Now we are getting somewhere. The chicken of course. An egg won’t develop into a chick without the hen to turn it frequently and to maintain a proper incubation temperature by sitting (setting?) on it.
   / Tell us something we don’t know. #874  
So which came first. The chicken or the egg :eek:
If you have to "draw a line" between "chicken" and "non-chicken" then at one time a "non-chicken" laid a "chicken" egg. The egg is just an immature chicken, so the egg had to come first.

But you can't draw a line like that. Can you draw a vertical line on this, so there is only black on one side and only white on the other side, or tell me where black changes to white?


   / Tell us something we don’t know. #875  

Platypus. To anyone that doesn't understand evolution I will say, "Platypus.... Platypus..... Platypus...," hold my ears and just keep saying it. Its a monotreme mammal that lays eggs.​

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   / Tell us something we don’t know. #880  
Put in the headphones, turn up the volume, and enjoy the ride...
