Sleep apnea, CPAPs and other sleep health solutions.

   / Sleep apnea, CPAPs and other sleep health solutions.
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It was just yesterday when I learned that cleaning with ozone breaks down the foam and can do that in any machine so I've never used ozone but it seems to mess things up.
   / Sleep apnea, CPAPs and other sleep health solutions. #12  
   / Sleep apnea, CPAPs and other sleep health solutions. #13  
This is timely. I have just this week been referred to a sleep study professional for an in-their-facility sleep analysis. They have not scheduled that yet. I have never woke up gasping for air, but have at times woke up holding air in, and then puffing it out. They tell me there are different kinds of sleep apnea. We shall see. I am not excited about doing all this but decided I should make the effort. Now, I seep in shifts - usually two - and rarely a full night unless with a sleepig pill. Six hours total sleep a night is the norm. Seven is a gift.
   / Sleep apnea, CPAPs and other sleep health solutions.
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I used old RemStars over the past 18 years and got good with keeping them going with parts machines. It is amazing how much more usable the one that I got the other day is as far as comfort and easy to use. Get in good My problem was I was wearing them too tight and I finally went with the dreamwear which is just a thing that runs under your nose there's nothing over your mouth or over your nose.
   / Sleep apnea, CPAPs and other sleep health solutions. #15  
My Sleep Study was a total and complete farce. I told them when making the appointment that I was there for one night only and to do everything they needed to do. They agreed. Did the sleep study and don't feel that I slept much at all but I registered all sorts of bad things: snoring, leg movements and even stopped breathing a few times. Ha! Of course, they wanted a follow-up study to double check the first study. I walked out the door...

I enjoy my sleep to much to be tied to a machine. Yep, I snore and the like but I always wake up in the morning (or have for the past 70 years). I feel rested when I wake up and never have an afternoon nap.

I plan on living until I die.
If you feel rested and don't need naps, most likely you don't have a bad case of Apnea. Snoring is not Apnea and I wouldn't use a machine for just snoring either. Apnea is when you stop breathing, which does all kinds of terrible things to your body. Your quality of life will really suffer if Apnea is untreated.

The guys who have severe Apnea, struggle to make it through the day. I know before I was treated, I couldn't hold a thought in my header after lunch. I was done, cooked for the day.

If you do have it, you are crazy to not get it treated. I started using the Airfit 20 mask recently and a new machine that autosenses the pressure I need and it is a huge improvement. I too have used a couple of craigslist S9s and youtube how to program them. I also still have two Airesense 10s in very great shape I bought from CL. I plan to hold on to them as they are hard to come by. My sleep Dr. laughed when I told her where I was buying my machines.

I do feel bad for the guys who struggle with the machine, I can relate. I struggled with mine for quite some time before finding the right combination for me.
   / Sleep apnea, CPAPs and other sleep health solutions. #16  
You are typical of those who deny they have a problem. There are many threads on this and other forums around the world with similar people to you all saying the same thing.

Stopping breathing can be fatal. Do you believe that? If you actually stop breathing long enough it is fatal. Alternatively, every time you stop breathing for just a few seconds (which everybody with apnoea does) then you put a strain on your heart. Eventually this would also cause you to expire. There are also many posters telling those of your sort how stupid you are to ignore it. I will not say you are stupid because that is an insult. All I would say is I think you have made the wrong choice.

I have used a CPAP machine for almost 30 years - everything provided under the UK health system free of charge, with the exception that I bought a ResMed S6 in 2002 before moving out of the UK, and I decided to keep it when I moved back last year. I can have a free modern replacement anytime I want. Wearing it is not a problem, and my wife appreciated it from the first night I stopped snoring, as did other people on odd occasions. There was once a complaint from someone 3 doors along the corridor in a hotel.

Just the same as everybody else, you will wake up in the morning until the day you do not. Failing to accept you have a problem means that morning will come sooner than it needs to. If you want that to happen, that is your choice. If you want to live longer then use a CPAP machine. Your choice. Me, I want to live a long time.
You have valid points, for sure. I have one year left to decide on one and get it ordered. I have found some quiet and less obtrusive units that I might could live with..
   / Sleep apnea, CPAPs and other sleep health solutions. #17  
My Sleep Study was a total and complete farce. I told them when making the appointment that I was there for one night only and to do everything they needed to do. They agreed. Did the sleep study and don't feel that I slept much at all but I registered all sorts of bad things: snoring, leg movements and even stopped breathing a few times. Ha! Of course, they wanted a follow-up study to double check the first study. I walked out the door...

I enjoy my sleep to much to be tied to a machine. Yep, I snore and the like but I always wake up in the morning (or have for the past 70 years). I feel rested when I wake up and never have an afternoon nap.

I plan on living until I die.
I travel in my sleep. To long in one position, I cramp up and readjust. Snore if I'm completely and utterly exhausted. Or if I have head congestion.

Wife's got the dog trained to take care of her light work for her. Dog will start kicking the living snot out of me with her hind legs if my snoring gets too loud.

Sometimes sleep apnea is position related. I read an article recently where a person was diagnosed with sleep apnea. But only snored like a freight train while laying on their back.

Spouse pointed this out to him. He started sleeping on his side and used a fitness tracker to track his sleep.

It improved considerably.
   / Sleep apnea, CPAPs and other sleep health solutions.
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If you feel rested and don't need naps, most likely you don't have a bad case of Apnea. Snoring is not Apnea and I wouldn't use a machine for just snoring either. Apnea is when you stop breathing, which does all kinds of terrible things to your body. Your quality of life will really suffer if Apnea is untreated.

The guys who have severe Apnea, struggle to make it through the day. I know before I was treated, I couldn't hold a thought in my header after lunch. I was done, cooked for the day.

If you do have it, you are crazy to not get it treated. I started using the Airfit 20 mask recently and a new machine that autosenses the pressure I need and it is a huge improvement. I too have used a couple of craigslist S9s and youtube how to program them. I also still have two Airesense 10s in very great shape I bought from CL. I plan to hold on to them as they are hard to come by. My sleep Dr. laughed when I told her where I was buying my machines.

I do feel bad for the guys who struggle with the machine, I can relate. I struggled with mine for quite some time before finding the right combination for me.
Having a spare AirSense 10 would be s nice feeling. What price range do they run on CL in your experience? In my case I would have survived covid without my CPAP machine. Having another machine that you have tested and feel comfortable with as a backup provides a lot of comfort on a moment's notice like at 3:00 a.m.
   / Sleep apnea, CPAPs and other sleep health solutions. #19  
   / Sleep apnea, CPAPs and other sleep health solutions. #20  
My sleep doctor retired. I received all my supplies from his office. Got to the point my insurance wasn't paying much and his prices were high. There were no sleep doctors in my town to take over his practice. I did some research and you only need a prescription for a complete mask setup. You can buy the individual parts such as the cushion without a prescription. I now get my replacement mask parts from Sleep Restfully for half of what I was paying. They have the exact mask and harness I have used for years.
