Skunks and Stray Cats - one Live Trap??

   / Skunks and Stray Cats - one Live Trap?? #1  


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2002
Just West of Buckhorn, Ontario, Canada
Wheel Horse 522xi
I got 'em both and I am looking a buying a Havahart Live Trap in order to reduce/relocate the populations. (not saying where they will be relocated or what kind of shape they'll be in when they get there) The dimensions recommended for the skunk trap are 24X8X8.5 inches and the cat trap is 32X10X12. I recognize the smaller dimension is so the skunk can't raise its tail and .... well you know .... and I suspect the length doesn't make much difference.

Has anyone ever used one of the smaller traps 24X8X8.5 for cats? Did it work?

Does anyone know if there is an easy way to alter the larger trap with a "false" ceiling or floor when using it for skunks? I would really like to prevent the spraying thing if possible but will have H2O2, baking soda, dish soap and lots of vinegar on hand just as a precaution.

Any comments based on experience?

Douro Bob
   / Skunks and Stray Cats - one Live Trap?? #2  
Buy one of each and then you can test what you want to know. Maybe you will be lucky and get two at the same time. If so, it will be more efficient of your time. I have the larger, which is mainly for raccoon, but catch skunk and cats too. I live trap but do not live release. That's done for efficiency too.
   / Skunks and Stray Cats - one Live Trap?? #3  
If the cats are hungry enough I don't see why they would not be able to get into the smaller trap. I have the larger trap and the cats I have trapped have room to run back and forth in the cage, that is to say there is plenty of spare room inside the cage. I would think there would be room for a cat to get into the smaller cage too. If you cannot figure out which would work best I would go with the smaller cage. I would rather start small and have to move up than I would start large and have to deal with a spraying skunk up close and personal.