Shooting a Woodpecker.

   / Shooting a Woodpecker. #21  
I had the same problem and every time I would go out there, the woodpecker would fly into the wood line. I took one of my wife’s hanging plants down, went to the feed store, and bought a 24” high plastic owl. Once I attached it to the hanging plant bracket, the woodpecker disappeared - never to return. Problem solved.
   / Shooting a Woodpecker. #22  
I had major problems with these large wood peckers ( they are like 18 inches tall plus ) going at my chimneys, I have 2) they were doing terrible damage to them. a friend suggested attaching mylar balloons with helium in them. so I did just that, and they have not been back since.
   / Shooting a Woodpecker.
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I don't want the dumb way out of this. I have a shotgun and can solve this tomorrow. I want to get THIS bird off my roof. Without killing it. I have an Owl sentinel, which is of no use. I've cleared the gutters of anything this bird would want. Its one bird, its the same bird for three years that can live 4 to 17 years. Every morning, its the same damn bird to chase off.
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   / Shooting a Woodpecker. #24  
I had a flicker( type of wood pecker ) pecking on various areas of my all cedar home. I did serious investigation AND - seems he was retrieving bugs from the cracks between the timbers.

No real damage but somewhat annoying. Then one day - great flopping and commotion out on the porch. After it all settled down - cracked the door and peaked outside. The flicker had attacked the big 'ol rat trap sitting on the porch. Either pecked the wood of the trap or the raisins used for bait.

He had become trapped - flopped around a whole lot - lost quite a bit of feathers - has never returned.

SO....... maybe wooden rat traps - baited with raisins - could be an answer.
   / Shooting a Woodpecker. #25  
I built an overhang on either side of my tobacco barn. Great because it fortifies the old barn and gives storage space for mowers, etc.
About a year ago I had a bird building a nest so I fabricated aluminum flashing pieces over every post at 45° angle, then cleaned all the mud, horsehair and bird crap off everything.
Next day it was back at it. This time I put up pie pans, colored beads, spinners, etc. wasting $30-$40. Didn't phase it, back again.
It's like this thing had OCD! I then bought nice birdhouses installed near where it was trying to build nests. I'd wash that area and it would simply move a foot over.
I said screw my BB rifle and target sited it in perfectly. Bird came back and "plink" it was over.
Now I may be hated or burn in hades but for weeks gave it every chance in the world and since then not a single bird has been back to those overhangs.
I have bird feeders, water and over 30 birdhouses so for that one bird I killed I'm sure over the years over 100 have replaced it.
Ground hogs tunneling under buildings, mice and rats, opossums in horse pasture (Opossums can transmit Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis EPM) I'll either trap or shoot. When an animal causes problems it has to go one way or the other, I'm not living with a nuisance.
   / Shooting a Woodpecker. #26  
I don't want the dumb way out of this. I have a shotgun and can solve this tomorrow. I want to get THIS bird off my roof. Without killing it. I have an Owl sentinel, which is of no use. I've cleared the gutters of anything this bird would want. Its one bird, its the same bird for three years that can live 4 to 17 years. Every morning, its the same damn bird to chase off.
Is it beating on your gutters? If so he is sounding for a mate as somebody already suggested; in which case he'll stop in a week or so.
   / Shooting a Woodpecker. #27  
Birds were always trying to nest in the tractor shed. Couldnt keep up with removing nest.
Got two cats that live there now. No more birds or mice.
   / Shooting a Woodpecker. #30  
It is doing damage to my house. Should I just shoot it and kill it?
It's protected buy the migratory bird treaty act of 1918.

Best to commit crimes solo. People talk.

Or you could try and deter it. Plenty of suggestions can be found through Google search. Bird net is gonna catch it and any other bird if it gets behind it. Then what are you going to do?

Try the mylar balloons, or....
